Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Temple Mount Faithful Passover Demonstration

The Temple Mount Faithful Movement Will March to the Temple Mount to Make a Pesach Pilgrimage to the Temple Mount on the 16th Nissan 5766 (April 16, 2006)

We Shall Bring With Us the Omer Offering and Blow the Silver Trumpets of the Third Temple

On the fourth day of the Pesach festival, 16 Nissan 5766 at 9:30 a.m. the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement will make a Pesach pilgrimage to the Temple Mount and will bring an Omer offering to the Temple Mount to the G–d of Israel. This is an offering of the first wheat from the fields of Israel. The Faithful Members will cut the Omer offering from the fields of Israel exactly as our forefathers did in the time of the First and Second Temples. The Word of G-d to Moses will become real again:

“And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the people of Israel, and say to them, When you come to the land which I give to you, and shall reap its harvest, then you shall bring the Omer (a sheaf) of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest; And he shall wave the Omer before the Lord, to be accepted for you; on the next day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it. And you shall offer that day when you wave the Omer a male lamb without blemish of the first year for a burnt offering to the Lord. And the meal offering of it shall be two tenth deals of fine flour mixed with oil, an offering made by fire to the Lord for a sweet savor; and the drink offering of it shall be of wine, the fourth part of a hin. And you shall eat nor bread, nor parched grain, nor green ears, until the same day that you have brought an offering to your God; it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings” Leviticus 23: 9-14

We are so excited to renew this holy commandment of G–d to His people at a very special time of redemption of the people of Israel. We feel that time is short and the Temple is soon to be rebuilt on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. We hear the call of G–d to Israel at these critical times not to wait more and to rebuild the Temple so that He can dwell again among His people. The Faithful Movement is not waiting longer. We decided to answer this call of G–d and we are making the campaign and the preparations for the end-time Temple of G–d. The pilgrimage and the offering of the Omer by the Faithful Movement on Pesach is an important part of it and fulfillment of G–d’s commandments. We know very clearly that the rebuilding of the Temple and fulfilling the commandment of G–d to make the pilgrimage three times a year on the three major festivals, Pesach, Shavuot and Succoth will finally remove the pressure and the desire of the enemies of Israel and most of the world to take from Israel the land. G–d taught us this very clearly in His Word: “Thrice in the year shall all your males appear before the Lord God, the God of Israel. For I will cast out the nations before you, and enlarge your borders; nor shall any man desire your land, when you shall go up to appear before the Lord your God thrice in the year” Exodus 34: 23&24

To symbolize the uniformity of the people and the land of Israel around the G–d of Israel on His holy mountain we shall also bring with us samples of earth from all of the areas of Israel especially from Judea, Samaria and Gaza that are now under pressure from the enemies of Israel and all the world to give them away to the so called Palestinians. We will also bring a large model of the Third Temple and carry it to the Temple Mount to show to the people of Israel and to all the world that the building of the Third Temple is no longer a theoretical vision but a practical and actual project to be built soon in our lifetime. We shall swear faithfulness to G–d, His holy mountain and Jerusalem while our faces will be towards the location of the holy of holies: “If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember you, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I do not set Jerusalem above my highest joy” Psalms 137: 5&6

Again will be heard all over the hill of G–d our prayer of Hallel that were prayed by our forefathers when they made the pilgrimage on the three major festivals to the First and Second Temple. We shall blow the two silver trumpets that we prepared for the Third Temple exactly according to the Word of G–d. These are the Psalms 113-118 that start with the exciting Psalm 113: “Hallelujah! Praise, O you servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and for evermore. From sunrise to sunset the Lord's name is to be praised. The Lord is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens. Who is like the Lord our God, who dwells on high, Who looks far down to behold the things that are on heaven, and on the earth! He raises up the poor from the dust, and lifts the needy from the ash heap, That he may set him with nobles, with the nobles of his people. He gives the barren woman a home, and makes her a joyful mother of children. Hallelujah!”

After all of this we will march around the walls of the Temple Mount blowing the shofar and praying the Pesach prayers exactly as our forefathers did and Joshua did in Jericho when he wanted the walls of the enemy to fall.

We shall also call to the priests, that will make the priestly blessing in front of the western wall, and to the people of Israel to make their prayers no more in front of the western wall which is outside of the Temple Mount but to walk up to the Temple Mount and to there make the priestly blessing and their prayers on the Temple Mount on the original location of the Temple exactly as our forefathers did and as G–d is now expecting His people to do. We shall tell them that the time of the western wall, the Wailing Wall, that foreigners that occupied the land of Israel and forbid the Jews from walking up to the Temple Mount and worship there and allowed them to do it only in the small narrow place of the western wall outside of the Temple Mount is over. We shall tell them that at this godly time of redemption the western wall that expresses destruction and exile is over and only the prayers that will be done on the Temple Mount will be accepted and answered by the G–d of Israel in these end-times of redemption. We will call the people of Israel to immediately purify the Temple Mount from the pagan foreign enemies of Israel and to immediately start to rebuild the holy Temple of G–d

This will be an exciting event and an important stage and part of the exciting and critical time of the godly redemption that the people of Israel are experiencing in these days. Everyone in Israel and outside of Israel is called to participate in this godly end-time event and to have the privilege to be a part of it. One day exciting pages will be written in the books of history about these end-time events in Israel and parents and grandparents will share with their children and grandchildren how they were a part of them and how exciting end-time godly history was made them. For more information please contact us at our center in Jerusalem at (tel/fax). 972-02-625-1112 or 972-02-625-1113. E-mail:

Temple Mount Faithful
4 Yochanan Horkanos
P.O. Box 18325
91182 Jerusalem
TEL: +972(2)625-1112
TEL/FAX: +972(2)625-1113
Temple Mount Faithful