Monday, November 06, 2006

Third Temple to grace Temple Mount soon!


On your website, you make the following statement:

"We're happy to announce that the Third Temple will soon grace the
Temple Mount and serve as a royal House of Prayer for ALL Peoples who
yearn to love and obey and learn more about the God of Jacob."

Would you please tell me exactly why you believe that the Third Temple
will soon grace the Temple Mount? Thank you.


"Soon" is relative, as God alone knows exactly when His Third Temple will grace the Temple Mount. However, we are given various signs of the times to indicate where we are now in biblical prophecy. The nation of Israel is again, as prophesied, the nations are opposing Jerusalem as prophesied, and the Temple is prophesied to be functioning when the international forces occupy Jerusalem and then pollute the Temple before Yeshua returns and reigns as King.

Third Temple Coming Soon to Jerusalem!

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Where's the Temple on the Temple Mount?

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