Sunday, August 19, 2007

Jewels of Elul or Fool's Gold?

Naomi Ragen offers an interesting regular email column I gladly read, so I was disappointed in her latest offer of the Jewels of Elul -

Beginning August 15, on each of the 29 days of Elul, we will post a “Jewel” of an inspiration from an amazing group of individuals. From Deepak Chopra to the Dalai Lama and Kirk Douglas to Matisyahu, these wonderful people will share their thoughts on “Hope and Healing”.

Deepak Chopra? The Dalai Lama? Amazing? Wonderful? Such questions inspired me to write Naomi:

Puke! How Hellenist. How deceiving. Surprised the Bavarian pope isn't highlighted. No wonder Israel will fall for Europe's wannabe divine emperor soon.

The lovely lady responded:

As our Sages teach us: Who is wise? He who learns from every man.


We can learn from every man, but it's not wise to invite Antiochus Epiphanes into Jerusalem is it? The wise aren't so foolish.

Proverbs 11:22
As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout, So is a lovely woman who lacks discretion.