Monday, September 29, 2008

God revealed plans for tabernacle and temple

David Ben-Ariel on the post " Solomon's Temple The article should give cause to...":

Who cares if aspects of pagan temples shared some similarities with the Temple of God in Jerusalem? Other religions share some similarities with the life, death and resurrection of Yeshua. Should that cause us to stumble? Doubt the Word of God? Lose faith? I don't think so!Regardless of imperfect human beings or questionable reasons some might have for seeking the construction of the Third Temple - the Temple of God (not of the Masons, pagans, etc.) in Jerusalem upon the Temple Mount, it is a holy command from God, it's original plan was revealed to David and passed on to Solomon, just like the tabernacle's plans were given to Moses. You either believe God or you don't - distracted by the serpent's lies and insinuations.

The Temple of God in Holy Jerusalem

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