Friday, November 14, 2008

Indians are not Bnei Menashe

"Historic: Bnei Menashe Permitted to Move to Israel"- so reports Israel National News, participating in the BIG LIE of Indian converts to Judaism pretending to be descendants of Bnei Menashe - the sons of Menashe (Manasseh, the son of Joseph) - while bearing none of the biblical birthmarks that prove Israelite identity.

Historic Fraud: Indian Bnei Menashe


Anonymous said...

Do not judge no one until you on on his place.

David Ben-Ariel said...

Should Christians Judge?
All judgment must be tempered with mercy. Jesus clearly taught that we can see others imperfections (the "mote" in their eye) and help to remove it once we have first gotten the "beam" out of our own eye. The purpose is to help and not hurt: constructive criticism, not self-righteousness or sinister motivations.

We are to judge everything in light of the Word, the facts of history, etc. The Indian CONVERTS to Judaism are not sons of Manasseh. The legitimate sons of Manasseh are, predominately, White Americans of Anglo-Saxon-Celtic origin.