Thursday, March 19, 2009

People for a Bill to Build the Bet HaMikdash

Received this email:

I am the Director of People for a Bill to Build the Bet HaMikdash, (the Third Temple). My organization received important support from UNESCO this year, when UNESCO put a link to my organization on their official web site. I attribute this support to the fact that my organization is the only organization in the community of organizations dedicated to rebuilding the Jewish Temple in its place, which created a complete plan for rebuilding the Temple, which does not rely on a miracle or act of violence. We also support the continuance and safety of the Al Aksa Mosque, the third most important building to Moslems, which sits on the southern part of the Temple Mount, no where near the location of the ancient Jewish Temples.

Coupled with the above, my organization supports limited yet specific exploration by world experts to determine the exact location of the earlier Temples. And we support subsequent committee hearings between the City of Jerusalem, the Waqf, the builders and UNESCO to discuss the all important question of movement of structures, which do sit on top of the actual building site. The International Association of Big Building Movers has also informed us that there are two companies in the world capable of moving the beautiful Dome of the Rock, a few hundred meters to the North-Western Corner of the Temple Mount.

We are now seeking contributors to support the creation of a complete architectural plan for the Third Temple. The Sanhedrin, (world Jewish Court), Ateres Kohanim, (the elite training academy of Jewish Priests), and the Temple Institute, (the center the study and recreation of temple structures and vessels), have unanimously chosen the firm of Shmuel Balzam of Jerusalem to undertake the task of recreating the legends of Ezekiel and the Talmud into modern architectural blueprints. Mr. Balzam is a respected architect in Jerusalem, with proven ability to work with the Jewish academicians who have scrupulously studied all that is written about the expected form of the Third Temple.

Once the architectural plans are completed, we will be going to the Jerusalem Municipal Authorities to seek a building permit for the Third Temple.

We would be especially honored, at this time, to receive your support for this project. Individuals wishing to contribute can go onto the web site of the Temple Institute; and contribute from that platform. It is essential that you indicate that you want your money going to the Temple Building fund, and you must click on the contact button, found lower down on the page, and specify in the contact box that your contribution is to be earmarked for creation of the architectural plans for the Temple. Contributions can be made tax deductible in America, upon request.
I thank-you ahead of time for your support for your support.

Truly Yours,

Boruch Fishman
Director of People for a Bill to Build the Bet HaMikdash
People for a Bill to Build the Beit HaMikdash "61 Votes to Build the Beit HaMikdash"

( This Web Site Has Been Approved by UNESCO for Inclusion in their list of Community Association Archives)