Wednesday, April 08, 2009

"With a Mighty Hand and an Outstretched Arm"

"With a Mighty Hand and an Outstretched Arm"
(from the Passover Haggadah)
Nissan 14, 5769/April 8, 2009Erev Pesach

When G-d decided to free the children of Israel from the oppression of Egypt, nothing could stand in His way: not Pharaoh, the most powerful potentate on earth, and not even the impassable Yam Suf - the Sea of Reeds. These truths may seem patently self-evident as we reflect on the exodus from Egypt, but we are commanded to remind ourselves every day of the exodus, so as not to forget that what applied for our forefathers three thousand and five hundred years ago, applies no less for us today. When we decide to free ourselves from the many kinds of bondage we face in life, both those self-imposed, and those imposed by society, G-d will be there, "With a mighty hand and an outstretched arm," to take us to our promised land. The promise of freedom — true freedom — the freedom to serve our G-d as He has commanded us — cannot be denied!

The Temple Institute extends its blessings for a joyful and kosher Chag Cherut — Festival of Freedom — to the entire house of Israel and to all who seek the G-d of Israel. Happy Passover!

Please take the time to visit us online and learn more about the exodus from Egypt, Pesach as it was observed in the Holy Temple, and the deep spiritual lessons of Passover that can inform our lives today:

Tune in to this week's Temple Talk as Rabbi Richman and Yitzchak Reuven, exhausted from their Passover preparations, discuss the great Passover night conundrum: G-d redeems Israel in a flash of spiritual illumination that washes over us and leaves us dazed. But the very next morning we roll up our sleeves and start the arduous process of counting the days and weeks of the Omer, while preparing ourselves spiritually for receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai.

This week features the latest Bat Melech video teaching with Rabbanit Rena Richman, entitled, "Righteous Women, Part II: The second part of a series in which Rena explores and shares the great spiritual depths of the righteous women who protected the children of Israel from the evil decree of Pharaoh, and prepared them for their eventual exodus from bondage and emergence as a free people. Part II focusses on the central role women played in the liberation of the nation of Israel from Egyptian bondage." Click here to view.

Today also features the Light to the Nations teaching by Rabbi Chaim Richman, entitled, "The Passover Experience: Korban Pesach: The Passover offering in the Holy Temple, perhaps the single most important act of the year for every man, woman and child of the people of Israel: How it was, and will be performed in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem." Click here to view.

This coming Monday, April 13th, the new Light to the Nations teaching will be aired: "Hanging in the Balance: The great illumination of 'instant' freedom that we experience on the Seder night so often seems to pass us by. Slaves yesterday, free men today, we simply haven't the vessels to be able to absorb the great chesed — loving kindness — and enlightenment that G-d had blessed us with. For this we have Sefirat HaOmer - the counting of the days of the Omer, that prepares us gradually for the great re-illumination of G-d's light — receiving Torah on Mount Sinai." Click here to view.

Now is the time to further augment your knowledge of how Passover is intended to be observed. Have a look at our classic online Passover narrative, "Shlomo's Passover Adventure," the informative story of a family's pilgrimage to the Holy Temple in Jerusalem to celebrate the Festival of Freedom with the entire family of Israel. A must for children and adults. Click here!

Chag Pesach Sameach, from the holy city of Jerusalem,

Yitzchak Reuven
PO Box 31876
Jerusalem, Israel 97500