Friday, May 29, 2009
Happy Shavuot/Pentecost!
The correct dates to observe God's holy days should not be a Church of God issue, having been settled by God thousands of years ago and preserved throughout the ages by faithful Jews.
The Oracles of God
God's empowered the Jews - despite themselves - to preserve His Word. They are the only people on Earth that God has blessed and ordained to fulfill such a calling! God will not retract His Word or renege on this gift and responsibility that He's graciously bestowed upon Judah.
The Pharisees
Who isn't aware of the sins of the Pharisees? Especially the Accuser of the Brethren? But does that mean the truths they teach, even if they don't live them, are no longer true?
Shavuot: Receiving Torah, Bringing First-Fruits
Sivan 5. 5769/May 28, 2009 49th day of the Omer
Today we celebrate Shavuot, the day in which the nation of Israel first received Torah at Sinai, with an all-night total immersion in Torah study. Yet, the central avodah - worship - in the Holy Temple - was the bringing of the bikkurim - first fruits. In fact, Torah study, and even the historic event of Matan Torah - receiving Torah on the sixth day of Sivan, is not openly alluded to in the Torah itself. Why is this? Is there really something that binds the first-fruits ceremony with the receiving of Torah, or are these two ways of observing Shavuot mutually exclusive?
Today we aren't engaged in the activity of bringing first-fruits to the Holy Temple, for the simple reason that the Holy Temple is not yet standing. Today, In lieu of the bringing of the first-fruits, the custom of intensive Torah study throughout the night of Shavuot has evolved.
It is an all too common misunderstanding that "post" Holy Temple customs have developed in order to replace the lost Temple service. Equally mistaken is the notion that these "post" Holy Temple customs, powerful as they truly are, have contained within them the same power to affect and benefit the spiritual well-being of the world as did the Divine service that these customs have come to "replace."
Receiving Torah at Mount Sinai was the very beginning of the journey for the people of Israel. Endowed with a covenant with the Almighty, the children of Israel were now on their way to becoming the nation of Israel. Contained within every word of every commandment of this new Torah was the imperative of the land of Israel. The journey and the fulfillment of the word of Torah would only be possible in the land of Israel. This is no more explicit than in the commandment of the first-fruits:
"And it will be, when you come into the land which the L-rd, your G-d, gives you for an inheritance, and you possess it and settle in it, that you shall take of the first of all the fruit of the ground, which you will bring from your land, which the L-rd, your G-d, is giving you. And you shall put [them] into a basket and go to the place which the L-rd, your G-d, will choose to have His Name dwell there. And you shall come to the kohen who will be [serving] in those days, and say to him, 'I declare this day to the L-rd, your G-d, that I have come to the land which the L-rd swore to our forefathers to give us.'" (Deuteronomy 26:1-3)
Thus marks the conclusion of the journey. The Jewish farmer, informed by Sinai, wholly engaged in the land of Israel, delivers the work of his own hands, the fruits of his own sweat and labors, and brings these bikkurim - these precious first-fruits - to the kohen who serves in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. This farmer who has journeyed far from his home in the certainty of G-d's promise and has ascended to the house of the L-rd, this farmer is not studying Torah, he is living Torah.
Today we are at the beginning of the journey, standing once again at Sinai, straining with every fiber of our being not to "wake up too late," striving to absorb and acquire and attain every nuance, every shade, every subtlety of meaning in the letters and words of Torah. We seek to hear the lightning and see the thunder. But the ultimate message of Torah, and the very message embodied by the mitzvah of bikkurim, is that Torah knowledge is meant, not to be accumulated, but to shape and transform all that we are and all that we do. Our all-night Torah study doesn't come to replace the commandments of the first-fruits, nor is it a modern cerebral upgrade of the original "earthy" mitzvah of bikkurim. It is, in fact, a "dry rehearsal," a preparation for repossessing the land, reclaiming our destiny, regaining our ability to truly live the Torah in the land of Israel, and returning "to the place which the L-rd, your G-d, will choose to have His Name dwell there." (ibid)
Tune in to the week's all new Temple Talk as Rabbi Chaim Richman, (fresh from his USA adventures), and Yitzchak Reuven begin together the Book of Numbers. The month of Sivan begins and the Omer count concludes, we're standing back at the foot of Mount Sinai, and Torah is given this week all over again - are we ready to receive it anew? The Rabbi likewise shares his experiences at a down-home, old-fashioned Bnei Noach wedding.
Just how was the one-day Shavuot festival observed in the Holy Temple. Click here for the answer.
Today features the new Light to the Nations teaching by Rabbi Chaim Richman, entitled, "Shavuoth: Today we celebrate Shavuot, the day in which the nation of Israel first received Torah at Sinai, with an all-night total immersion in Torah study. Yet, this aspect of Shavuot is not even mentioned in Torah, and the central avodah - worship - in the Holy Temple - was the bringing of the bikkurim - first fruits. How do we explain this seeming discrepancy? How can we get back to the Torah of the land of Israel?" Click here to view.
This week also features the rebroadcast of Rabbanit Rena Richman's Bat Melech video teaching, entitled, "The Story of Ruth." In honor of the upcoming Shavuot festival, (May 29), we have reposted parts one and two of this fascinating teaching. Click here to view.
We urge everyone to take five minutes to view a unique video, produced by the Temple Institute, in which Rabbi Yisrael Ariel paratrooper and founder of the Temple Institute, reflects on his experiences in the Six Day War and the liberation of the Temple Mount. This intensely personal recollection can be view in its original Hebrew, with English subtitles, and with Spanish subtitles.
'Fessing up: "The L-rd then spoke to Moses saying: Tell the children of Israel: When a man or woman commits any of the sins against man to act treacherously against G-d, and that person is [found] guilty,they shall confess the sin they committed, and make restitution for the principal amount of his guilt, add its fifth to it, and give it to the one against whom he was guilty." (Numbers 5:5-7) When the person who has erred makes an oral confession the confession itself removes the sin from his essence and the person returns to his true self. Click here to view Rabbi Richman's short teaching on parashat Naso (Numbers 4:21-7:89).
LAST CHANCE! As we conclude this year's counting of the Omer, we invite you to take one minute and view our Sefirat Ha'Omer inspirational video: SEFIRAT HA'OMER - COUNT FOR YOURSELVES: FORTY-NINE DAYS THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR WORLD: The forty-nine days between Passover and Shavuot, (between leaving Egypt and receiving Torah at Sinai), are days laden with awesome spiritual potential. The opportunity for growth is ours for the taking. Click here to view.
The Temple Institute wishes to the entire house of Israel, and to all who stand today at Mount Sinai and seek to receive the truth of Torah, a joyful Shavuot.
Blessings from Jerusalem,
Yitzchak Reuven
PO Box 31876
Jerusalem, Israel 97500
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Temple Institute: Jerusalem Day
After two thousand years this is happening before my very eyes..."
Iyar 27, 5769/May 21, 2009
42nd day of the Omer
"Tel Aviv - up in flames... Haifa - up in flames... Jerusalem - up in flames..."Thus begins the dramatic retelling by Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, founder and head of the Temple Institute, of his 1967 Six Day War experiences. Fate placed Rabbi Ariel, then a young man, in arguably the most enviable position in the last two thousand years of Jewish history. As one of the paratroopers of the 55th Parachute Brigade that on June 7th, 1967, captured Jerusalem's old city and liberated the Temple Mount, the impact of the events of those history making moments upon the young Rabbi were profound. "What is the meaning of it, that we arrived at this moment, after two thousand years, to this place? The unassailable certainty that we had returned in order to build, that was clear to me."
Forty-two years have passed, and today an entire generation has grown to adulthood never having lived the bitter reality of a Jerusalem divided, of the sanctified earth, where the House of G-d, the Holy of Holies stood, utterly beyond the reach of the sons and daughters of Israel. Rivers of ink have been used to describe Jerusalem, what it is, what it means, what it holds in store. Rivers of ink have been used to build Jerusalem up, and to tear it down. Rivers of blood have been soaked up by its earth and its stones: The blood of its tress-passers, its invaders, its traducers; the blood of its defenders.
Today it is fashionable to talk of re-dividing the city, G-d forbid, of "internationalizing" Jerusalem, G-d forbid, of establishing within its ramparts the "capital" of a "state" of a "people" who sets its face against the G-d of Israel, and conspires against His children. Today it is fashionable to speak of those who love and long for the Holy Temple, as being dreamers, or worse. Today it is fashionable to heap praise upon those who would, like the Roman Hadrian, plow Jerusalem under.
One thing is for certain, and that is that the fate of Jerusalem and the fate of the nation of Israel is one: As goes Jerusalem, so goes the Jewish people. And with that, there is very much to be thankful for and to be encouraged by. Each and every day in Jerusalem breaths life into the eternal words of Zechariah:
"So said the L-rd of Hosts: Old men and women shall yet sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each man with his staff in his hand because of old age. And the streets of the city shall be filled, with boys and girls playing in its streets." (Zechariah 8:4-5)
Each and every day in Jerusalem bears witness to the benevolent words of David: "Jerusalem that is built like a city in which [all Israel] is united together." (Psalms 122:3)
Jerusalem stands, as ever, at the center of humanity, the crossroads of history. Jerusalem remains, as always, the one place on earth where heaven will not be denied: "Build Me a sanctuary, and I will dwell amongst them!" (Exodus 25:8)
"From the place where I was standing I could see the entire Temple Mount. After two thousand years this is happening before my very eyes..." These words of testimony, with which Rabbi Ariel invokes the overwhelming realization that the era of destruction has come to a close, and the era of rebuilding has commenced, these words we speak even today. For from where we stand, we too share in the conviction that "this is happening before our very eyes."
We urge everyone to take five minutes to view a unique video, produced by the Temple Institute, in which Rabbi Yisrael Ariel paratrooper and founder of the Temple Institute, reflects on his experiences in the Six Day War and the liberation of the Temple Mount. This intensely personal recollection can be view in its original Hebrew, with English subtitles, and with Spanish subtitles. Yom Yerushalayim Sameach - happy Jerusalem Day!
This week's Temple Talk is a rebroadcast from one year ago, during which time Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven discussed Jerusalem Day, the prophet Samuel and King David, Jerusalems's original "City Fathers," and the particular moxie and ground-breaking vision they displayed while planning for the building of the Holy Temple.
With Rabbi Richman's return to Israel from a most successful and rewarding visit in the USA, next week will feature and all new, cutting-edge Temple Talk. Be sure to join us!
Rabbi Chaim Richman also reflects on the historical, prophetic and spiritual aspects of Yom Yerushalayim - Jerusalem Day - in this week's Light to the Nations teaching, entitled, "Jerusalem Day Special: The reunification of Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty and the liberation of the Temple Mount, achieved through the blood, sweat and lives of of the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, was a miracle of the first degree. How do we recognize and understand a miracle of this magnitude, when it occurs in our lifetimes?" Click here to view.
This week also features the rebroadcast of Rabbanit Rena Richman's Bat Melech video teaching, entitled, "Ruth, the story of the Moabite princess who attached herself to the Jewish nation and the G-d of Israel, is traditionally read in synagogues on the upcoming festival of Shavuoth. Rena Richman reveals fascinating midrashic insights into the historical background of the story, focusing on the unique personalities of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz. These three individuals together create the foundations of the Davidic dynasty." In honor of the upcoming Shavuot festival, (May 29), we have reposted parts one and two of this fascinating teaching. Click here to view.
"When this letter reaches your hands, I will no longer be among the living. In these, the final moments of my life, I feel compelled to express my thoughts." Dedicated to the memory of the one hundred and eighty paratroopers who gave their lives sanctifying G-d's name in the battle for Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, this "Letter from a Soldier," penned by Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, commemorates his fellow soldiers, and the holiness of the cause for which they gave their lives. Click here.
Just as the Levites receive in the opening chapters of the book of Numbers, their appointed tasks in the service of G-d, so must we also strive to discover that appointed task in the service of HaShem for which we were brought into this world to fulfill. Click here to view Rabbi Richman's short teaching on parashat Bemidbar (Numbers 1:1-4:20).
Sefirat Ha'omer - Count For Yourselves: Forty-nine Days That Can Change Your World: The forty-nine days between Passover and Shavuot, (between leaving Egypt and receiving Torah at Sinai), are days laden with awesome spiritual potential. The opportunity for growth is ours for the taking. The Temple Institute celebrates the 49 days, and invites everyone to take one minute and view our Sefirat Ha'Omer inspirational video. Click here.
Blessings from the united city of Jerusalem,
Yitzchak Reuven
PO Box 31876
Jerusalem, Israel 97500
Build the Temple!
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Israel may find Iran as one of the administrators of the Temple Mount, according to a new Palestinian Authority plan reported Thursday by the Hebrew-language newspaper Haaretz. PA sources said giving up claims to the Temple Mount and handing over control to the 57-member Saudi-based Islamic Conference Organization is conditional on Israel’s agreeing to a final status agreement... more
It is Israel's fault, and the woeful neglect of Jews worldwide, that the bloody Vatican and murderous Islam both clamor to control the Temple Mount and usurp authority over Jerusalem.
May God send an earthquake to shake up the deplorable status quo and prepare the way for the Third Temple to signal to all that He has chosen the Temple Mount to serve as the TEMPLE Mount, to host a House of Prayer for All Peoples yearning to worship the God of Jacob.
Major Upheaval in Israel?
Will an EARTHQUAKE shake Israel to its foundations and rock the world? Would the destruction of the Western/Wailing Wall and the demolition of the "Dome of the Rock" and Al-Aksa mosques—by an ACT OF GOD—serve further notice that it's time to build the Temple?
Third Temple Coming Soon to Jerusalem!
"And let them make me a Sanctuary that I may dwell among them" (Ex. 25:8). This holy command in the Scriptures seems clear enough, so what's the problem? Why has Israel tolerated Jerusalem’s "abomination of desolation" — a Temple Mount without a Temple? Why haven't the religious leaders encouraged the people to do what they can in fulfilling this mitzva?
Jews Must Demand Rights to Temple Mount
During a 1995 Root and Branch lecture in Jerusalem, Professor Nahum Rakover, author and then Deputy Attorney General of Israel, publicly agreed with me that it isn't illegal for Christians or Jews to pray upon the Temple Mount, even though it is forcibly prevented by the police.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Christians love and support Israel
WASHINGTON (JTA) -- More than 900 churches in the United States participated in a Christian Zionist organization's event honoring Israel.
CUFI Sunday, sponsored by Christians United For Israel, was incorporated into the regular Sunday church service.
Although varying from church to church, the service generally included a sermon about the Jewish state and a request to sign the group's "Israel Pledge." The pledge states that the Jewish people "have a right to live in their ancient land of Israel" and that Israel has the right to defend itself from terrorism.
Churches from all 50 states, and a total of 1,100 churches in 49 countries, participated in the event, according to CUFI...
Christian-Zionist Response to Shimon Peres’ AIPAC speech
Christian-Zionist David Ben-Ariel’s strong response to Shimon Peres’ weak AIPAC speech, condemning the lying peace process, collaboration with the Vatican and warning about UN Resolution 181 as the Final Solution!
Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel
I am a Bible-believer, a Christian-Zionist (one who believes the Prophets foretold the restoration of Jews first of all 12 Tribes of Israel to the Promised Land of Israel before the end of this world as we know it). I am not a Protestant or a “Jew for Jesus” and certainly not a member of the Roman Catholic Cult. I am a baptized member of the Sabbath-keeping Church of God…
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Two Witnesses: two prophets
Will the Church of God Welcome the Two Witnesses?
Church of God minister Arlen Berkey, in "The Work of God in the Laodicean Era," makes a statement nobody in God's Church would disagree with: "The whole world will soon know about the two witnesses. They will not be welcome by this world."
The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11
The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11. Who are these two prophets? What do they have to say? Why are they called the two witnesses? How will their message be proclaimed? And is there any special significance to the fact that they're headquartered in Jerusalem?
Two Witnesses to Testify in Jerusalem Against Europe
Two controversial figures, referred to in the Book of Revelation as two witnesses, two olive trees, two candlesticks and two prophets, will boldly declare GOD'S JUDGMENTS and proclaim the LORD'S CONTROVERSY (Micah 3:8; 6:1-2), delivering a BLISTERING MESSAGE and a SCORCHING CONDEMNATION -- just before NUCLEAR FIRE AND BRIMSTONE RAINS DOWN upon those who've rejected GOD'S ULTIMATUM (Isaiah 41:27; 30:27).
Politics in the Church of God Hinders Progress
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Listening to the Voice of Vayikra
Iyar 20, 5769 / May 14, 2009
35th day of the Omer
Of the Five Books of Moses, Leviticus - Vayikra - is perhaps the most intimidating and difficult to grasp. It deals throughout the length of its twenty-seven chapters with details of the Temple offerings and issues concerning ritual purity. To be sure, these are topics very foreign to the modern ear, and little wonder, as these subjects, since the destruction of the Holy Temple nearly 2000 years ago, have long been rendered "irrelevant." However, if we can, as our sages intimate, shed off some of our years of skepticism and cynicism that accumulate with life's experiences, and regain the innocence and purity of our earliest youth; if we can lose for a moment the prejudices and preconceived notions upon which we are imbibed in today's western, post-modern humanistic world, then we can begin to rediscover the book of Vayikra and its real message: a love-letter from G-d to man, a message of intimacy and tenderness from the Creator of the universe to His most precious creation.
From the very first word of Leviticus, "vayikra" - "And He (G-d) spoke to Moshe," (Leviticus 1:1), we are taught by the great sage, Rashi, that the choice of this particular word implies affection and, is, in fact the very word used to describe the speech of the angels. And so, it would seem, we are in for something very different in the book of Vayikra, as we depart from the narrative of the experiences of the children of Israel in the wilderness, and, instead, are made party to a direct communication from G-d to His beloved prophet. And if we listen very quietly to the speaking voice of Vayikra, it will become clear to us why the name of G-d, "Hashem," which signifies the Divine attribute of loving kindness, and not harsh restriction, is the name with which G-d signs His communications to Moshe and Aharon, and the children of Israel throughout Leviticus. And then we can begin to open our hearts to the true meaning of the phrase, "a sweet savour unto the L-rd," first used in Leviticus 1:9. Hardly a carnivorous craving for burnt flesh, the phrase, as Rashi explains, describes G-d's sublime satisfaction with His creation, who has performed the offering precisely as He has intended for it to be done. And then we come to understand later in the book of Vayikra that the spiritual affliction, tzar'at, referred to commonly as "leprosy" does not imply some kind of Divine retribution, but is G-d's direct and nurturing way of keeping His children spiritually healthy.
Finally, as we conclude the book of Vayikra this coming Shabbat, we come upon the description of G-d's blessings, "If you follow My statutes and observe My commandments and perform them..." (ibid 26:3), and then the notorious list of curses, "If you do not listen to Me and do not perform all these commandments..." (ibid 26:14) Again, contrary to a popular notion that these are the expressions of an angry, vengeful god, these words of rebuke, in fact, harken back directly to the opening affectionate voice of "vayikra." For what G-d is intimating is the transcending and uplifting, even liberating notion that He doesn't merely require a meticulous and mechanical adherence to His commandments, He also wants us to hearken to His voice - the still, small voice of Vayikra, the intimate, loving, tender Divine voice that speaks to each and every one of us as individuals, if only we will hearken to it. The mighty, thunderous crescendo of Vayikra. which reflects and amplifies the hushed intimacy of the entire book, draws to a close this most tender and personal of the Five Books of Moses.
Sefirat Ha'Omer - Count for Yourselves:Forty-nine Days that can Change your World
The forty-nine days between Passover and Shavuot, (between leaving Egypt and receiving Torah at Sinai), are days laden with awesome spiritual potential. The opportunity for growth is ours for the taking. We invite every one to click on the embedded one-minute inspirational video, and join us as we celebrate the 49 days of the counting of the Omer.
(Click here to view the video if the above embedded link does not work.)
Rabbi Chaim Richman is presently in the United States. Last week's Temple Talk is currently being broadcast on Israel National Radio. Next week will feature a Temple Talk from the archives. A new Temple Talk will be broadcast on May 26, following Rabbi Richman's return to Israel.
For details of the Rabbi's remaining speaking engagements in the USA, please click here.
This week features the new Light to the Nations teaching by Rabbi Chaim Richman, entitled, "Ten Levels of Sanctity, part II: The entire city of Jerusalem is the equivalent of the Israelite encampment in the desert. Its sanctity is greater than elsewhere in the land of Israel, and its special status is eternal." Click here to view.
"But if you will not listen to Me and you will not observe My commandments…" (Leviticus 26:14) G-d requires more than simply fulfilling His commandments. He expects us also to listen to His voice in everything that we do, to be informed by His presence in all our deeds and thoughts. Click here to view Rabbi Richman's short teaching on parashat Behar-Bechukotai (Leviticus 25:1-27-34).
Blessings from the holy city of Jerusalem,
Yitzchak Reuven
PO Box 31876
Jerusalem, Israel 97500
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Jews don't belong in Exile
Chief Rabbi to Pope: Tell the world Jews belong in Israel
Will the Nazi pope help drive Jews home to Israel by exhorting his "faithful" it's permissable to put a fire under their butts to get them moving to where they belong, forcibly reminding them they're in exile? It appears that's what Jews demand who have failed to learn the lessons of the Holocaust.
Why did the Babylonian envoy fail to denounce the Nazi Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount for its daily discrimination against Jews and Christians who are denied their rights to pray and read the Bible upon the most holy site in the world? Truly this is against the spirit of the Prophets who announce Jerusalem will host a House of Prayer for All Peoples.
Shame on the chief rabbis for failing to teach Jews to follow Judaism to the Jewish Homeland and asking a pagan pope to preach the Word!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Temple Mount
Web Sites:
The Temple Mount Archeological Destruction
Jewish Virtual Library: The Temple Mount - the Haram-esh-Sharif
Recent Developments in the News Regarding the Temple Mount
Urban simulation Team: Jerusalem's Temple Mount
Ritmeyer Archaeological Design
The Modern Destruction of the Temple Mount
The Heart and Soul of the Conflict
Moslems are Destroying the Temple Mount
Archaeologists: Waqf destroying Second Temple relics
Benkin's Temple Mount Series published in Choudhury's Bangladesh paper. The published versions are lost, but read the originals with the same text as published in that Muslim-majority country.
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI
New Evidence for the Site of the Temple in Jerusalem
On The Location of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem
First Temple artifacts found in dirt removed from Temple Mount
The Coming Fall of the Temple Mount
So You Think Israel is a Democratic State
The Temple Mount's Jewish History: More Than a Matter of Faith
The Islamic claim to the Temple Mount is very recent
No way to treat our founding fathers
Al Aqsa official: Jewish temples existed
Treasures looted by Rome are back in the Holy Land
Israeli Sheikh: Temple Mount is Entirely Islamic
Fired Al Aqsa Official: Jewish Temples Existed
No Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount!
Temple Mount Bridge Dig Yielding Multiple Historical Finds
Temple Mount Truths (Honest Reporting)
Incredible Temple Mount and Mughrabi Gate Video
Dichter rules area near Temple Mount off-limits to Muslim burial
Hamas's plans for Temple Mount foiled
Olmert allows Muslims to dig on Temple Mount
Archeologists slam authorities over Muslim dig
Israeli Ambassador visits Armstrong College
April 22, 2009
EDMOND–Ambassador Yoram Ettinger of the State of Israel (ret.) addressed students and faculty of Herbert W. Armstrong College during a forum April 22. The ambassador was visiting Oklahoma as the guest of the Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma, which contacted college officials after learning of AC’s involvement in the City of David excavations in Jerusalem through recent press about the dig.
Yoram Ettinger is a consultant to members of Israel’s Cabinet and Knesset, and regularly briefs United States legislators and their staff on Israel’s contribution to vital U.S. interests, on the root causes of Islamic terrorism and other issues of bilateral concern.
He formerly served as minister for congressional affairs at Israel's embassy in Washington (with a rank of an ambassador), Israel's consul general in Houston and director of Israel's Government Press Office.
He is the editor of two newsletters, Straight From The Jerusalem Cloakroom and Boardroom, which focus on national security issues and overseas investments in Israel's high-tech sector. He is also the chairman of special projects at the Ariel Center for Policy Research.
Ambassador Ettinger spoke to AC students and faculty about the unique relationship between the United States and Israel, highlighting the many Old Testament influences in early American history. He spoke of how the early settlers compared themselves to the Israelites when they left Egypt, with Pharaoh being King George, Egypt being England, the Atlantic being the Red Sea and the new world being the Promised Land.
He pointed out that many early colleges in America had Hebrew phrases inscribed on their walls, and how Moses was pictured facing the Speaker of the House in the U.S. Capitol and with the ten commandments at the U.S. Supreme Court.
Ambassador Ettinger went on to discuss what he called the "immoral" land-for-peace concessions Israel has been pressured to make by the international community in recent years. “Peace is a fundamental right and should not be paid for,” he said. “There is no precedent for land for peace in all of history, except for Nazi Germany during World War II.” In that case, he explained, Germany had been the aggressor, taking land from Poland and other countries. “Rewarding aggression is morally wrong,” he said.
He went on to say that a nation can survive by ignoring its history no more than a tree can survive without its roots. “Israel’s cradle of history is the chief axis of our security,” he said, referring to the regions of Judea and Samaria. “Giving that up would be the death of the nation.”
After his address, the ambassador spoke with Chancellor Gerald Flurry for a few minutes. Before leaving he complimented the students' level of respect and their attentiveness. “The climate in there was very nice. I wish we had a climate like that in the other places and schools where I’ve spoken,” the ambassador said.
It's great Mr. Ettinger recognizes Judea and Samaria (Yehudah and Shomeron) as Israel's "cradle of history" and vital to the security of the nation. Such comments were apparently well-received by those gathered at the Herbert W. Armstrong College. Strangely, the Philadelphia Church of God (Messrs. Gerald and Stephen Flurry) had the chutzpah to condemn many of the strong politico-religious views he espoused as "radical" and "extremist" when they were expressed by the Temple Mount Faithful and little ol' me. (See I'm not a terrorist) . Sadly, it appears they're still looking to men of stature.
Does Mr. Ettinger recognize that Jerusalem is the crown of Israel and the Temple Mount is the crown jewel? For Jews and Israelis to woefully neglect to appreciate its precious history and restore its splendor reflects a deadly spiritual condition in the nation and people of Israel! To permit sworn enemies to trample Judaism's holiest site and Nazi Muslims to discriminate against Jews and Christians daily, illegally forbidding them to pray or read the Bible upon the Temple Mount, exposes how far removed from their Hebrew roots Jews have become. Too many Jews have become Gentilized, just like the other nations rather than a light to them. Let's hope and pray this deplorable situation changes soon.
A House of Prayer For All Peoples?
Jewish guards prevent Christians and Jews from exercising their religious right to pray on the Temple Mount? That's right! Only Muslims have unlimited access to Judaism's most holy site. Only the Koran is permitted within. The Tanach (Jewish Scripture, known to much of the world as the "Old Testament") and Christian Scriptures (the New Testament) are forbidden. Yet Israel claims to respect the religious rights of all people.
Jews Must Demand Rights to Temple Mount
During a 1995 Root and Branch lecture in Jerusalem, Professor Nahum Rakover, author and then Deputy Attorney General of Israel, publicly agreed with me that it isn't illegal for Christians or Jews to pray upon the Temple Mount, even though it is forcibly prevented by the police.
Christian-Zionist Response to Shimon Peres' AIPAC speech
Christian-Zionist David Ben-Ariel's strong response to Shimon Peres' weak AIPAC speech, condemning the lying peace process, collaboration with the Vatican and warning about UN Resolution 181 as the Final Solution!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Pope holds Temple treasures hostage
( Chief Rabbis Shlomo Amar and Yona Metzger have been invited to four meetings with visiting Pope Benedict XVI. They will attend one, will not attend another, and are considering the others...
Group Calls on Rabbis to Boycott
At least one group has called on the rabbis not to meet at all with Pope Benedict. The Task Force to Save the Nation and Land, headed by Rabbis Yaakov Yosef and Shalom Dov Wolpe, conveyed its call by telegram to the Chief Rabbinate. The message reads, in part:
“This involves a desecration of G-d’s Name… The very meeting and recognition of him is related to idol worship, if not outright idol worship, and involves a sin that one must die for and not violate. Not to mention that the memories still linger of the persecution of the Inquisition, as well as the Church’s role in the Holocaust. In addition, this pope is known for his personal membership in the Hitler Youth, as well as his statements in favor of a Holocaust-denier.”
“All the above is many times worse,” the message states, “given that the visit is accompanied by pressures and agreements to give over to the Church parts of Mount Zion and other parts of the Holy Land. A welcome by the Chief Rabbis encourages this trend.”
Thankfully, at least not every Jew has lost his head, swooning over the sorcerer pope, seduced by his appeals for peace while waging war: Europe's new crusade to take Jerusalem!
The proper Jewish response to the Babylonian envoy would be to demand the Temple treasures and Judaica Rome holds hostage and refuse to permit the pagan pope to step foot in the Holy Land of Israel until they are released.
Christian-Zionist Response to Shimon Peres' AIPAC speech
Christian-Zionist David Ben-Ariel's strong response to Shimon Peres' weak AIPAC speech, condemning the lying peace process, collaboration with the Vatican and warning about UN Resolution 181 as the Final Solution!
Jerusalem's Betrayal and Rape
The treacherous Vatican - Israel collaboration has sold out the Jews and backstabbed Jerusalem
Warning Jews
Warning Jews about the pope's plans for Jerusalem: Rome's dream will become Jerusalem's NIGHTMARE
Pope's Evil Eye on Jerusalem! (You Tube video)
The Nazi pope aims to rip the heart out of Israel: Jerusalem!
The Vatican plot against Jerusalem exposed!
Israel must reject Vatican overtures for peace or lose Jerusalem!
The bloody vulture Shimon Peres (Peres is Hebrew for vulture) is right where the Vatican-controlled Israeli oligarchy wants him to be: positioned as president of Israel, dark prince of perfidy, as orchestrated. Woe to Ariel! Jerusalem will soon suffer EU occupation: THE GERMANS ARE COMING!
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Beyond Babylon by David Ben-Ariel

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall is destined to become a national debate and an international controversy because it dares to speak the plain truth in a world of lies!
Beyond Babylon
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 1
Survival Guaranteed!
The DEVASTATION unleashed against America and her British allies was without precedent. Destruction was everywhere and a body count impossible. The catastrophe was beyond calculation.
Europe - gripped with a messianic furor - justified this mass destruction of the body to "save the soul." Besides, they have the blessing of the pope. His white robes are stained with the blood of many martyrs.
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 2
Why National Defeat?
Why are we in mortal danger? Why will the American, British and Jewish people SUFFER national defeat? How could Europe ever turn against us?
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 3
Truth or Consequences
As global tensions increase, and threats of confrontation escalate, we might very well wonder whether humanity will survive. Unless there’s a GOD to intervene, we have a bleak future indeed: a DEAD PLANET! Will earth become a nuclear fireball? Will charred bones - aftermath of unleashed atomic fires - and the smoldering ruins of a suicidal civilization be all that’s left?
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 4
Victims of Tradition
Whenever our behavior gets out of control, God lets us loose control! When we’re held hostage to bad habits, and refuse to let them go, we go into captivity! A national lack of discipline results in God sending corrective punishment! Then we wake up and get with it, and beg God to save us. The whole purpose is to bring us to our knees and senses.
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 5
Europe's Fate
What’s going to happen to Europe? We know what’s going to happen to the American and British peoples, as well as to our Jewish brethren. The coming WORLD CRISIS is prophesied to fall especially hard on them. Why?
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 6
Jesus and the Jews
Why don't the Jews accept Jesus?" I've been asked that so many times. My usual reply? "Why haven't the Christians?" At least the Jews are waiting for the proper imperial restoration. The Messiah's coming to sit on DAVID'S THRONE - not Caesar's or "St. Peter's." The Anointed One's going to rule from JERUSALEM - not Rome!
Beyond Babylon
Chapter 7
Elijah's Key Role
Israel's about to host the greatest showdown on earth! A spiritual conflict of interests will create such a scene in Jerusalem that the whole world will watch! Zion will be an arena of prophets and sorcerers, warriors and kings! The forces of good and evil are set to duel: the sons of light will battle the sons of darkness, and truth will confront error head-on!
Friday, May 08, 2009
Controversial ads
Deceptive Ad
You recently ran an ad for a book, Beyond Babylon, by "David Ben-Ariel."
This is a Christian radical theology fronting for offshoots of the Worldwide Church of G-d, Herbert W. Armstrong, representing the British Israel branch which has crossovers with other antisemitic groups.
I thought you would want to know.
Yitzchok Dovid Smith
Received by email
SLR Responds: You are 100 percent correct we would want to know, and we are very grateful to you for pointing out our potentially severe error. We have no idea if this group is antisemitic (nothing we found out about them would indicate that), but they are definitely a Christian evangelical group, and their ad in our paper indicates that they were being deceptive. You can trust their ad will not appear again.
This exchange appeared in The Jewish Voice and Opinion magazine, May 2009, in reference to two full page ads that I, David Ben-Ariel, bought and paid for in full (January and April issues) - not any group or organization!
I sincerely hope that "Yitzchok Dovid Smith" knows more about Judaism than he does about Herbert W. Armstrong and the offshoots of the Worldwide Church of God, as those who are knowledgeable about Mr. Armstrong and those associated with him, having read or are familiar with his former magazine The Plain Truth, know that we are not antisemitic in any manner, shape or form and to attempt to discredit us by a faulty connection to some who are is as deceptive as linking all Jews with Bolshevism or other godless movements!
Mr. Armstrong was well known in Israel among the leadership for years, even honored in Jerusalem many times, and met every prime minister from Golda Meir on until his death in 1986. Ambassador College (Pasadena, California) worked with Hebrew University on many archaeological digs and Liberty Bell Park in Jerusalem honors Herbert W. Armstrong to this day with a monument.
Furthermore, I am not a member of any "Christian evangelical group" and neither Herbert W. Armstrong or offshoots of the Sabbath-keeping Worldwide Church of God have anything to do with traditional Christianity, which we consider baptized paganism: the Babylonian Mystery religion in Christian drag!
My two full page ads (they were my ads, representing my politico-religious concerns for Israel in light of the pope's campaign to undermine Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem, Europe's new crusade) in The Jewish Voice and Opinion were not deceptive in the least, as I have always focused on where I agree with Jews, as Torah-observant Jews can testify who have known me for years, like Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful, and Ze'ev Bar-Tov; Aryeh Gallin, President of Root and Branch Association; Attorney Howard Grief; rabbis Yehoshua Friedman and Avraham Feld; Yair Davidiy of Brit Am Yisrael; Barry Chamish, etc.
Last but not least, my legal name is David Ben-Ariel. Again, nothing deceptive. Just the plain truth!
For Zion's sake,
David Ben-Ariel
Ghetto rabbi and Nazi pope
( Israel’s former Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau explains Pope Benedict XVI’s two “mistakes” and how he differs from the last pope – but says we shouldn’t rebuff his visit to Israel...
...Rabbi Lau says, “We must not rebuff the visit. We need not bend over backwards or flatter him, but it should not be rejected. This is a visit initiated by the pope himself so that he can follow in the footsteps of his predecessors. We must welcome him, if only for the fact that millions of Jews still live in the Diaspora, and many of them in places where the Catholic Church is strong, such as Latin America, Poland, Ukraine and elsewhere. We must not give our enemies ammunition or pour fuel on the fire; we must not endanger even one Jew.”
Shame on the ghetto rabbi for fearing to oppose the Nazi pope's political campaign to the Holy Land of Israel out of concern for Jews who choose to remain in a self-imposed exile, who fail to follow Judaism to the Jewish Homeland of Israel!
Shame on the political and religious leaders of Israel who sin against God, Israel and Torah by looking the other way, turning a blind eye, to the Temple treasures and Judaica Rome holds hostage while the Babylonian envoy spies out Jerusalem!
By failing to stand up to pharaoh with demands to release the Temple treasures and Judaica, and by failing to "slay" Balaam, Israeli leaders endanger every Jew worldwide as the German-Jesuit jackboot will stomp Jerusalem and treacherous "peacekeeping" troops will pollute the Holy Land of Israel.
Christian-Zionist Response to Shimon Peres' AIPAC speech
Christian-Zionist David Ben-Ariel's strong response to Shimon Peres' weak AIPAC speech, condemning the lying peace process, collaboration with the Vatican and warning about UN Resolution 181 as the Final Solution!
Jerusalem's Betrayal and Rape
The treacherous Vatican - Israel collaboration has sold out the Jews and backstabbed Jerusalem
Warning Jews
Warning Jews about the pope's plans for Jerusalem: Rome's dream will become Jerusalem's NIGHTMARE
Pope's Evil Eye on Jerusalem! (You Tube video)
The Nazi pope aims to rip the heart out of Israel: Jerusalem!
The Vatican plot against Jerusalem exposed!
Israel must reject Vatican overtures for peace or lose Jerusalem!
The bloody vulture Shimon Peres (Peres is Hebrew for vulture) is right where the Vatican-controlled Israeli oligarchy wants him to be: positioned as president of Israel, dark prince of perfidy, as orchestrated. Woe to Ariel! Jerusalem will soon suffer EU occupation: THE GERMANS ARE COMING!
National Day of Prayer
-- Isaiah the Prophet
A Nation of Drunks and Whores
We’ve been living a lie and have loved to indulge in deception. “Don’t confuse me with the facts” has been our shameful attitude, and truth has been treated like some social outcast. Therefore, God threatens to use Europe to wake us up...
Apostate Christians
Despite warnings about another Jesus, different gospels and spirits, the rise of a counterfeit Christianity has deceived the whole world
Shape up or get shipped out!
If we insist on foreign ways, we'll be deported to foreign lands Beyond Babylon warns: Beware Roman wolves in sheep's clothing! Europe's New Crusade has its evil eye on Mount Zion and is after the Temple Mount.
Death to America? (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)
Death to the American, British and Jewish peoples? Concentration camps for YOUR family and friends? Why would God permit Europe to defeat and deport us? Does He really hate the abominations of Christmas and Easter that much?
Ravaged by Weather and War
Thomas Jefferson was moved to remark: "My God! How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!"
Europe Nukes US! (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)
BEYOND BABYLON warns we're going down and out due to our idolatry and immorality.
Thanksgiving: Attitude of Gratitude
"Beware that you do not forget the LORD your God by not keeping His commandments, His judgments, and His statutes which I command you today, 12 lest—when you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them; 13 and when your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and your gold are multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied; 14 when your heart is lifted up, and you forget the LORD your God...17 then you say in your heart, 'My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth...'
Is the Plain Truth Too Strong?
"Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression [the Church and Synagogue], And the house of Jacob [the family of Israelite nations - all Twelve Tribes of Israel] their sins. 2 Yet they seek Me daily, And delight to know My ways, As a nation that did righteousness, And did not forsake the ordinance of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of justice; They take delight in approaching God" (Isaiah 58).
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Pesach Sheni: The Holiday of Second Chances
Pesach Sheni: The Holiday of Second Chances
Iyar 13, 5769/May 7, 2009
28th day of the Omer
On Passover the entire nation of Israel, men, women, and children, rich and poor, are required to bring the korban Pesach - Passover offering, without exception. This all-encompassing, no-exceptions-allowed commandment, is both a reflection of, and a recommitment to the complete and pure faith expressed by the Israelites while they were still slaves in Egypt. For them, performing the korban Pesach meant risking their lives. For their trust in G-d they were rewarded with liberation from Egypt and an eternal covenant of Torah. In this light we can understand that the requirement to make the Passover offering in the Temple courtyard on the appointed time, (the 14th day of Nissan), is so great that the result of willfully neglecting to do so is caret - the cutting off of the individual from the Divine source of life.
So what happens in the case of an unfortunate soul who is simply unable to bring the offering in time? Who was prevented by circumstances beyond his control? Certain men asked this question of Moses in the desert, concerning the very first Pesach that would take place outside of Egypt, at the outset of the second year in the wilderness. The Torah records the exchange:
"There were, however, some men who had come in contact with the dead, and were therefore ritually unclean, so that they could not prepare the Passover offering on that day. During the course of that day, they approached Moses and Aaron. 'We are ritually unclean as a result of contact with the dead,' the men said to [Moses]. 'But why should we lose out and not be able to present God's offering at the right time, along with the other Israelites?' 'Wait here,' replied Moses. 'I will hear what orders God gives regarding your case.' God spoke to Moses, telling him to speak to the Israelites, saying: If any person is ritually unclean from contact with the dead, or is on a distant journey, whether among you [now] or in future generations, he shall still have the opportunity to prepare God's Passover offering. He shall prepare it on the afternoon of the 14th of the second month, and shall eat it with matzahs and bitter herbs. He shall not leave any of it over until morning, and not break any bone in it. He shall thus prepare it according to all the rules of the [regular] Passover offering. However, if a man is ritually clean, and not on a distant journey, and he neglects to prepare the Passover offering, that person shall be cut off [spiritually] from his people. He shall bear his guilt for not offering God's sacrifice at the prescribed time." (Numbers 9:6-13)
Simply put, if a person was prevented from bringing the Passover offering on the 14th day of Nissan by events beyond his control, he is given a second chance. Yet the Torah does not make allowances for second chances concerning the other Divine commandments. Why now? Can it be that the Master of the Universe, the Holy One, blessed be He, makes exceptions? Of course He does. In fact, each and every one of us is exceptional in G-d's eyes. And as G-d sees us, so should we see ourselves.
One year earlier, on the fourteenth day of the month of Iyar (second Passover), the evil Amalek, (may his name be blotted from our memory), saw this as well. This was the very day that evil nation chose to attack the people of Israel. And upon whom did they choose to pounce? The weak, the weary, the stragglers behind. Those who had begun to question whether they had it in them; whether they had what it takes to be a free people. For Amalek's plan was to embitter our lives with self-doubt, to slam the door shut on second chances. And what better moment to try and plunge us into gnawing doubt than on this day, the day of "second chances." Amalek saw that the only way to banish the presence of G-d from this world was to make people feel unworthy and incapable of drawing close to Hashem, through the fulfilling of His mitzvot. For if we deem ourselves as failures, as has-beens, we have lost the battle. So Moses raised his arms heavenward, and the children of Israel thought of their Father in heaven, their spirits were renewed, and the tide of battle was turned. But the struggle against Amalek could not have been won, if G-d Himself hadn't also "upped the ante": G-d declared that on this very day the children of Israel would celebrate their national "second chance" day. For in the knowledge that we are deserving of a second chance to overcome our limitations, our shortcomings, be they self-inflicted or imposed upon us by circumstances beyond our control, we gain the strength to win the day. For we are all exceptional, and all deserving of a second chance.
It is this same battle against the Amalek of self-doubt that is being waged today in Israel, and nowhere is this more clearly visible than on the small parcel of land known as Mount Moriah: the Temple Mount. Are we worthy of a second chance, or not? Our prophets say so. Our sages say so. What do we say? Who are we listening to? To the Master of the Universe, or to the fast-talking salesmen of self-doubt, the Amaleks among us?
Tune in to this week's Temple Talk as Rabbi Richman and Yitzchak Reuven discuss Pesach Sheni - 2nd Passover - the unique festival of second chances. They continue to explore G-d's infinite love for Israel, as expresses in the book of Vayikra - Leviticus - and the special instruction given to the Kohen Gadol - High Priest - to keep himself removed from the presence of death, as his sacred task is to represent Israel in the place of eternal life - the Holy Temple.
Between May 12th to May 19th, Rabbi Chaim Richman will be speaking in four different locations across the great state of Texas. For details, please click here.
This week features the latest Bat Melech video teaching with Rabbanit Rena Richman, entitled, "Miriam the Prophet, Part II: Fourth part of a series in which Rena explores and shares the great spiritual depths of the righteous women who protected the children of Israel from the evil decree of Pharaoh, and prepared them for their eventual exodus from bondage and emergence as a free people. Miriam was a women of prophetic vision and a teacher of her generation. Her commitment to the sanctity of the Jewish family is what jump-started the exodus from Egypt, and also what caused G-d to later afflict her in the desert with tzar’at (leprosy)." Click here to view.
Today also features the new Light to the Nations teaching by Rabbi Chaim Richman, entitled, "Ten Levels of Sanctity, part I: The unparalleled sanctity of Jerusalem requires many precautions to be taken." Click here to view.
We recently announced the inauguration of our new Spanish language web site, Instituto del Templo. The new site is growing weekly both in content and in popularity! Click here to see what's new.
The Kohen Gadol - High Priest - serves before the Shechinah - the Holy presence of G-d, a place of life everlasting. Representing the entire nation of Israel, his work in the Holy Temple symbolizes the eternal nature of Israel. Therefore, the High Priest is instructed not to involve himself in the burial or mourning process, concerning even his mother or father. For he must remain untainted by the false illusion of death in the infinite reality of G-d. Click here to view Rabbi Richman's short teaching on parashat Emor (Leviticus 21:1-24-23).
Blessings from the holy city of Jerusalem,
Yitzchak Reuven
PO Box 31876
Jerusalem, Israel 97500
Obama's destructive plans for Israel
By Daniel Greenfield ("Sultan Knish")
Soetoro/Obama's plans would be frustrated if he didn't have *Jewish collaborators to further his hateful agenda.
Will American Jews protest the president usurper's machinations by making the move to Israel at long last? This year in Jerusalem? I doubt it, even though Judaism requires Jews live in the Jewish Homeland. How logical!
Jews have failed to learn the lessons of the Holocaust and remain in self-imposed exile as the hatred grows, a fire under their butts to get them going home, but most won't and will pay the high price for it. I'm sure
*Christian-Zionist Response to Shimon Peres' AIPAC speech
Christian-Zionist David Ben-Ariel's strong response to Shimon Peres' weak AIPAC speech, condemning the lying peace process, collaboration with the Vatican and warning about UN Resolution 181 as the Final Solution!
Jerusalem's Betrayal and Rape
The treacherous Vatican - Israel collaboration has sold out the Jews and backstabbed Jerusalem
Warning Jews
Warning Jews about the pope's plans for Jerusalem: Rome's dream will become Jerusalem's NIGHTMARE
Pope's Evil Eye on Jerusalem! (You Tube video)
The Nazi pope aims to rip the heart out of Israel: Jerusalem!
The Vatican plot against Jerusalem exposed!
Israel must reject Vatican overtures for peace or lose Jerusalem!
The bloody vulture Shimon Peres (Peres is Hebrew for vulture) is right where the Vatican-controlled Israeli oligarchy wants him to be: positioned as president of Israel, dark prince of perfidy, as orchestrated. Woe to Ariel! Jerusalem will soon suffer EU occupation: THE GERMANS ARE COMING!
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
David Ben-Ariel has left a new comment on the post "Interview in JTA":
Those who love the Land and People of Israel, whether Christian Zionist or Jewish, should protest the pope's visit to the Holy Land of Israel. The reasons why remain true regardless of who voices them, and it is unreasonable and inexcusable to pretend otherwise.
Israeli Daisy Stern informs about a PETITION AGAINST THE POPE's VISIT:
At the bottom of the page, in Hebrew, are two blank spaces. The first one, with a red asterisk - meaning it is obligatory - is for your name; the next one is for your e-mail address.
Please sign, and pass it on to all your friends. So far we only have 59 signatures, we need about 5-6000 for it to be effective in GOVERNMENT.
Please, our American friends, do sign as well, it is most important that you do.
This is the link to the petition, at the bottom of the article.
Thank you, and G-d bless you.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Beware Europe's New Crusade!
The German-Jesuit EU will undoubtedly exploit UN Resolution 181 and impose "peace" upon the Middle East and go after the world, targeting the British-Israelite nations. Thankfully, two outspoken men will take the stand in Jerusalem and face the nations and testify: the final revival of the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation is a counterfeit kingdom of God - to be destroyed by the return of the King.
Shimon Peres Rebuked!
Isaiah 28
14 Therefore hear the word of the LORD, you scornful men,
Who rule this people who are in Jerusalem,
15 Because you have said, “We have made a covenant with death,
And with Sheol we are in agreement.
When the overflowing scourge passes through,
It will not come to us,
For we have made lies our refuge,
And under falsehood we have hidden ourselves.”
Shimon Peres, the bloody vulture who initially came to power over Rabin's dead body, the perfidious president of Israel, has publicly wished president usurper Obama at the AIPAC Conference in Washington, DC, "full success" and "God speed." What a madman! Such success would mean death to the United States and death to Israel!
Shimon Peres' schizophrenic speech, with no basis in reality except for the clear and present danger Iran poses, continued to self-righteously push the delusional "peace" process as something desirable, rather than a miserable failure and fraud that should be declared null and void.
The irreligious Shimon Peres had the chutzpah to speak in the name of a god who "doesn't believe in war." Our Great Creator God, the God of Israel, the God of the Bible, instructs Israel to offer peace on our God-given terms, our God-given conditions, not based upon "painful compromises" or "painful concessions" Israel's sworn enemies dictate! And when such offers of peace are rejected, our Great Creator God, the God of Israel, the God of the Bible, demands Israel enforce peace through strength. Not to insanely keep trying to make peace with sworn enemies who must be defeated and driven out, as Meir Kahane courageously reminded the nation of what Moses taught (Malachi 4:4).
Shimon Peres condemned Iran funding and arming Hezbollah and Hamas, yet remained deathly silent about the United States and Israel funding and arming Fatah and Hamas, and aiding and abetting the terrorist PLO office to remain open in Washington, DC, and failing to move the United States' embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem where it belongs, as acknowledged by the Jerusalem Embassy Act.
Shimon Peres accused the Iranians of "trying to impose a foreign and violent ideology. Their agents target Americans, Europeans and Arabs alike." That's true. However, the same thing must be said about the Vatican's Crusade to undermine Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem, pushing illegitimate Catholic claims forward with the German pope's planned visit to the Holy Land of Israel, while continuing to hold the Temple treasures and Judaica hostage in Rome.
The Roman Catholic Church, backed by the German-dominated Europe, poses the greatest external threat to Israel's survival. However, the greatest threat to Israel is from within: the Jews' worst enemies are those Jewish collaborators with the accursed Vatican, who sell out Jerusalem and betray Israel.
Jewish Israelis must remember they are Jews first and Israelis second, return to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and go by the Book. Otherwise the German-Jesuit jackboot will stomp Jerusalem and peacekeeping troops pollute the Holy Land of Israel, imposing UN Resolution 181 as the Final Solution.
For Zion's sake (Isaiah 62),
David Ben-Ariel
Monday, May 04, 2009
Investigate Shimon Peres
by Jennifer Rubin
David Ben-Ariel:
Peres in Hebrew means vulture. How appropriate. Yitzhak Rabin referred to Shimon Peres in his autobiography as an “indefatigable subversive.” These facts remain even if some are swept away by emotions.
Shimon Peres’ collaboration with the Vatican to undermine Israeli sovereignty is proof positive he is not worthy of any adoration, but deserving of scorn and indictment for treason.
Jerusalem's Betrayal and Rape
Jews not fond of present Israeli government
'Your response to me was that David Ben-Ariel was speaking "as a Jew" which was to insinuate that neither I nor anyone whom he was criticizing could be seen as speaking "as a Jew."'
This is a totally ludicrous accusation. I would never dream of "insinuating" such denigration, and especially not against someone Jewish. I've re-read my post several times and cannot deduce how you could possibly misconstrue my statements as articulating that you or anyone else Jewish participating in this blog should not be properly and respectfully identified "as a Jew".
You have minified our discussion into a cheap contest. I would have thought you more generous than this.
"just suggested that the rhetoric being used does not help us understand the situation or what specific actions of the Israeli government warrants criticism"
Actually dictating how David Ben-Ariel, a Jew, should criticize the present Israeli government is rather a measurable form of censorship. Every one of my Jewish friends are not fond of the present Israeli government, whether diplomatic corp or not, and they have said far worse things about the present government than did David Ben-Ariel.
Incidentally, I did not profile the diplomatic corp, nor anyone involved with the security of Israel (I'm certain David Ben-Ariel also was not profiling those Israelis involved with maintaining Israel's security). You are embellishing my statements and those of David Ben-Ariel.
"Note that I did not state an opinion on the issue to which David Ben-Ariel was referring"
Remember, you labelled David Ben-Ariel as an "extremist". When you painted Mr. Ben-Ariel's statements with the descriptive "extremity of rhetoric," you betrayed an opinion, albeit one that does not sit well with me nor with many of my Jewish friends I'm certain.
And so you resort to accusing me of attempting to extirpate your Jewish identity. That's so ridiculous. I have spent most of my life (I'm now 54) defending the Jewish identity, and with one fell swoop you insouciantly try to rob me of the trust I've gained for having fought such a long battle. This is an example of your intellectual powers? I'm self-read, and even I don't resort to besmirching my opponents. Before you attack me again, remember that I was defending the sensitivities of a Jew and his love for the Land of Israel. That is not a sin nor is it an attempt to extirpate Jewish identity.
"The value of ancient Hebrew ideas, rather than their mere longevity, constitutes the strongest part of modern Israelis' attachment to Israel. Inherited values form the basis of any thinking person's attachment to his or her national culture, assuming that one can still be, in the twentieth century, so attached." -Avi Erlich
"Of what's to come the wise perceive
things about to happen." -C.P. Cavafy
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Jews protest pope's politics
Here is an excerpt from an article that appears in Israel National News:
Protest Letter: 'Israel Going Too Far for Pope'
“We wish to strengthen you at this difficult period,” the letter states, “when the sons of Esau and Ishmael ally together, with members of our nation as well, to refuse to recognize the Jewish sovereign claim to the Land of Israel, despite international decisions of the past century.”
“It is not that Israel’s rights are dependent on the consent of the nations of the world, nor have we inherited our Land based on their agreement. Rather, it is ours by force of the Divine Covenant and the favor and oath made by the G-d of Israel with our forefathers and with us.”
“To our great sorrow, the Pope’s visit to our Land at this fateful period is nothing more than a pilgrimage, so that he can prostrate himself at the places his faith considers holy. No one is preventing him from visiting any site he wishes to, under the full political sovereignty of the State of Israel.
“However, this journey has international political ramifications, representing ideological and political support for the side that still does not agree, just like in 1947, to recognize the State of Israel as the state of the Jews and a Jewish sovereign state. This trip should therefore not be greeted with great enthusiasm.
"Many parts of his itinerary – events, the attempt to sign agreements before and during his visit, the State’s bending-over backwards such as the issuance of stamps and grandiose festivals – are not required. They instead appear to be the fruit of willing participation by the victim in the increasing international pressure to expel Israel from its land…
"The visit is part of, and the natural outgrowth of, the pressure exerted by Esau/Ishmael and the previous Israeli government.
"Israel must therefore refrain from declarations, ceremonies and agreement-signings that appear to be support for the long-running pressure to downgrade Israel’s status in our Land.”
Warning Jews
Jerusalem's Betrayal and Rape
Holocaust Hypocrisy! (YouTube video)
Holocaust Hypocrisy! (article)
I'm not a terrorist