Wednesday, May 06, 2009


David Ben-Ariel has left a new comment on the post "Interview in JTA":

Those who love the Land and People of Israel, whether Christian Zionist or Jewish, should protest the pope's visit to the Holy Land of Israel. The reasons why remain true regardless of who voices them, and it is unreasonable and inexcusable to pretend otherwise.

Israeli Daisy Stern informs about a PETITION AGAINST THE POPE's VISIT:

At the bottom of the page, in Hebrew, are two blank spaces. The first one, with a red asterisk - meaning it is obligatory - is for your name; the next one is for your e-mail address.

Please sign, and pass it on to all your friends. So far we only have 59 signatures, we need about 5-6000 for it to be effective in GOVERNMENT.

Please, our American friends, do sign as well, it is most important that you do.

This is the link to the petition, at the bottom of the article.

Thank you, and G-d bless you.