Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Ark of the Covenant

'Ark of the Covenant' about to be unveiled?
Ethiopian patriarch tells pope he will show artifact to world


Despite illegitimate claims from apostate Christians in Gentile lands, the Ark of the Covenant is under the Temple Mount, in the Holy of Holies, awaiting its imminent placement in the Third Temple foretold by the Prophets and destined to become a House of Prayer for All Peoples - unlike the present deplorable status quo of Nazi Muslim occupation that forcibly and illegally denies Christians and Jews their religious rights to pray or read the Bible upon the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site.

Although the Ark of the Covenant is not in Ethiopia, we know that the Vatican holds many of the temple treasures hostage, including the Menorah and the Sefer ha-Azarah courtyard scroll (written by Ezra), which must be returned to Jerusalem where they belong.

Where is the Ark of the Covenant?

The Correct Location of the Temple and the Holy of Holies

Will the pope act like Belshazzar or Cyrus?

The Ark of the Covenant is in the Holy of Holies!

Where is the Ark of the Covenant?

The Correct Location of the Temple and the Holy of Holies

Where is the Ark of the Covenant?

Where is the Ark of the Covenant?

The Ark of the Covenant is one of the most fascinating of all Temple-related subjects. There are many theories about what happened to the Ark of the Covenant, and speculation abounds as to its actual location. Some people think it was taken to the Vatican, together with other Temple vessels, such as those depicted on the Roman monument, the Arch of Titus. There are many authentic, ancient historical chronicles, and even more popular legends, that attest to many sacred vessels having been taken away to Rome. However, this does not apply to the most holy feature of the First Temple, the Ark.

While some claim to have evidence that the ark is in Ethiopia, and of course, moviegoers were treated to a fanciful version of the story in "Raiders of the Lost Ark," in reality, the expression "lost" ark is not an accurate description for the Jewish people's point of view - because we have always known exactly where it is. So the Ark is "Hidden," and hidden quite well, but it is not lost.
Tradition records that even as King Solomon built the First Temple, he already knew, through Divine inspiration, that eventually it would be destroyed. Thus Solomon, the wisest of all men, oversaw the construction of a vast system of labyrinths, mazes, chambers and corridors underneath the Temple Mount complex. He commanded that a special place be built in the bowels of the earth, where the sacred vessels of the Temple could be hidden in case of approaching danger. Midrashic tradition teaches that King Josiah of Israel, who lived about forty years before the destruction of the First Temple, commanded the Levites to hide the Ark, together with the original menorah and several other items*, in this secret hiding place which Solomon had prepared.

This location is recorded in our sources, and today, there are those who know exactly where this chamber is. And we know that the ark is still there, undisturbed, and waiting for the day when it will be revealed. An attempt was made some few years ago to excavate towards the direction of this chamber. This resulted in widespread Moslem unrest and rioting. They stand a great deal to lose if the Ark is revealed - for it will prove to the whole world that there really was a Holy Temple, and thus, that the Jews really do have a claim to the Temple Mount. (The official position of the Islamic Wakf, the body that governs over the Temple Mount, is that there never was a Holy Temple, and that the Jews have no rights whatsoever to the place).

* such as the staff of Aaron that brought forth almond blossoms during the controversy involving Korach (Numbers 16); the jar of manna that had been placed in the Holy of Holies as a testimony; and the jar of anointing oil.

Jewish Response to the Obama Cairo Speech

On June 4, 2009, President [usurper] Barack H. Obama delivered a speech in Cairo, Egypt, that contained a distorted view of the Jewish people's historical ties to the land of their forefathers, the land of Israel.

This video is a response.

Soetoro (who has never proven he's legally changed his name to Obama or that he's a natural born citizen) is clearly not a Christian. Legitimate Christians would never refer to the accursed Koran as "holy." What a fraud! What a marauder! The sooner this "Korach" goes "down" in history, the better, so help us God.

Where's the Birth Certificate? Jews and Christian Zionists can pull the Muslim prayer rug from out under Soetoro/Obama by demanding to know, as well as demanding to see proof of a legal name change that should have been reported to the State Department for passport purposes and the State of Illinois when he started his political mass deception.

Korach: The Man Who Wanted it All

Korach: The Man Who Wanted it All
Tammuz 3, 5769/June 25, 2009
Korach had it all: He was fabulously wealthy, highly intelligent, he had been to the finest schools, he was impressively handsome, charismatic, a mesmerizing speaker and a mover of men. Korach was a scion of the tribe a Levi, counted amongst the distinguished leaders of the fabled Kohati clan, whose Levitical responsibilities included the most prized of tasks: the transport and placement of the Ark of the Covenant, the golden ark which contained the tablets of the law which Moses brought down from Sinai, in the Holy of Holies.

Korach had it all, but he wanted more. The Midrash teaches that it was his Lady Macbeth-like wife, driven by ambition, who egged him on to open rebellion. But he no doubt would have easily rebuffed her provocations had his own passions not already been enflamed. Korach wanted the one thing he didn't have - the priesthood. Not only was it the one thing he didn't have, but it was the one thing that Korach's wealth, intelligence, good looks and charisma could never obtain. For the priesthood was granted not to Korach, but to his cousin Aharon, and his descendants, by no less an authority than G-d Himself.

Therefore, Korach's rebellion wasn't merely against the authority of Moses, or against the privilege of Aharon. Korach's rebellion was against the G-d of Israel. As our sages point out, one cannot rebel against the authority of the G-d of Israel without ultimately denying creation itself. Little wonder, then, that Korach's punishment was nothing less than an aberration from our normal expectations of how the created world works, when the earth opened up and swallowed both Korach and his band of rebels, whole. Again, our sages have noted that the very "mouth of the earth" that swallowed Korach up was created especially for this one task, in the twilight hours of the sixth day of creation. Did Korach really think that he was something new, something special, unanticipated by G-d since the beginning of time?

Korach truly did lack something, but it wasn't the coveted priesthood. Korach lacked all the qualities that Moses and Aharon possessed: humility, deference to others, obedience to G-d. It was these qualities that enabled Moses to quickly counter the growing uprising, divide the rebels, and readily despatch of Korach himself. If Korach felt he could engage Moses in a battle of ego and prestige, enticing Moses into playing according to the rules which he, Korach, could best manipulate, he was dead wrong.

Korach, whose name has become a byword for squandered potential, nevertheless, provides for us an invaluable lesson as to what transpires when one allows for vanity to be his guide. But it is Moses, who once again, steers his people safely clear of the snares of demagoguery, and the base instincts to which silver-tongued divisive speech leads. Humble, soft-spoken, "heavy-tongued" Moses, the ultimate shepherd, sensitive and open to every individual appeal, (see Numbers 9:6, 27:1), knew a beast of prey when he saw one, and acted quickly to diffuse the danger. Many try to take the reins, but it is Moses who leads the children of Israel: "Happy is the people that is in such a case. Yea, happy is the people whose G-d is HaShem." (Psalms 144:15)

Tune in to the week's Temple Talk as Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven discuss Korach, a man destined for greatness, who could have been remembered as a righteous individual, but his vanity and his materialism got the best of him. Who was Korach and what was his real problem? Why did he attack Moshe and Aharon and make ridiculous, baseless claims against them? Also, the new month of Tammuz, what it has to do with Korach, and a Rosh Chodesh lesson from the great Rebbe Nachman for us all to take home and apply.

This week features the new Light to the Nations teaching by Rabbi Chaim Richman, entitled, "Holiness in this World: Maimonides’ Hilchot Beit HaBechirah - Laws of the Chosen House, chapter VII: The Holy of Holies, the holiest place on earth: What is holiness? How can we become holy? Can a place or time be imbued with sanctity? Torah teaches us an emphatic yes to all these questions. And the soul/time/space nexus where the holiest moment of the year, (Yom Kippur), and the holiest spot on earth , (the Holy of Holies), and the individual who represents the holiest possibility of man, (the Kohen Gadol – High Priest), meet and merge together is nothing less than the entire purpose of creation." Click here to view.

By now, many of you have seen our video "Jewish Response to the Obama Cairo Speech" in which Rabbi Chaim Richman spoke out against President Obama's embrace of the Moslem "narrative" concerning Israel and the many falsehoods and distortions he expressed throughout the speech. But now, for the first time, thanks to the initiative of Frank "Subtitleman" Hadzalic, we have the video subtitled for the hearing impaired. To view the video, please click here. (To view the original video, click here.)
(To view other videos subtitled by the "Subtitleman," please click here.)

In this age of instant access to endless information, we are tempted to try to know everything! Is curiosity necessarily a good thing, or is it sometimes, as our sages suggest, an offshoot of arrogance? True wisdom is in the acknowledgment that there are things that lie beyond our intellectual grasp. This wisdom is the portal to purity. Click here to view Rabbi Richman's short teaching on parashat Chukat (Numbers 19:1-22:1).

Blessings from Jerusalem,
Yitzchak Reuven
PO Box 31876
Jerusalem, Israel 97500

It appears Soetoro/Obama is "related" to Korach and hopefully soon will also "go down" in history.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Israeli religious discrimination against Yehuda Glick


Harassed by the authorities because of his activities to bring Jews to the Temple Mount

WEDNESDAY. June 24 at 8:00pm

At the CHAZON DAVID Synagogue in Kiryat Arba Hevron

Since the liberation of the Temple Mount in 1967, the government of Israel implements racist decrees against the Jews who want to go up, in purity, to the Temple Mount.

In the last few years more and more Jews have asked to go up to the Temple Mount in purity (i.e. according to strict halachic rulings), with the support of Rabbi Dov Lior and other Rabbis.

The Israeli police does everything to try and limit the number of Jews going up and prevents from those going up any form of prayer, bowing down or any other mitzvah.

One of the dedicated Jews who help bring many to the Temple Mount is Yehuda Glick.

Yehuda Glick, formerly spokesman for the Ministry of Absorption who resigned in protest against the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif, is now the director General of Machon Hamikdash (The Temple institute). He also serves as a guide for many groups of Jews who go up to the Temple Mount in purity.

This past Sukkot, thanks to Yehuda Glick, hundreds of Jews arrived to the Temple Mount for Hakhel and this in coordination with the police. And yet, the police was very surprised by the large amount of Jews that showed up. In reaction the police started a campaign of harassment against Yehuda Glick. This campaign included preventing him from entering the Temple Mount, arresting him, slandering him and even beating him up.

Recently, the police even called other activists for "investigations" all in order to scare and threaten those who want to go up to the Temple Mount. It is clear that the police act against the law and that is why they never bother to show up in court. They only threaten and harass.

Because the main harassment by the police at this point is focused against Yehuda Glick, we will all gather at a vigil in his support on Wednesday, June 24, at 8:00pm at the Chazon David shul in Kiryat Arba Hevron with the participation of Rabbi Dov Lior, MK Dr Michael Ben Ari and Yehuda Etzion.

We will tell Yehuda Glick:


And we will tell the authorities:



The Action Committees of Efrat-Gush Etzion-Kiryat Arba Hebron - Southern Hevron and friends

Pinhas 052-5743551 Assaf 052-5743551

Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380
The Bolsheviks also harass Christians who go up to the Temple Mount. The Leftist war against the Right - regardless of whether they're Christian or Jewish.

A House of Prayer For All Peoples?
Will Israel Right the Wrong against David Ben-Ariel?

Let the persecution of Yehuda Glick incite Jews and Israelis to demand an end to religious discrimination against Jews and Christians upon the Temple Mount.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Still at Large!

Still at Large!

The Jerusalem Post, Jan. 8, 1996, had a front page story about how the GSS sought my deportation for alleged involvement in a "plot to blow up the Al-Aksa mosque."

And now for the rest of the story:

IF the Israeli authorities truly suspected me of being involved in such a dangerous activity, they would have NEVER RELEASED ME with only my passport in their hands. As for those others allegedly involved in some plot, that were "still at large" - THEY'RE STILL AT LARGE to this day, twelve years later, because they don't exist! And, just like twelve years ago I protested my innocence, I continue to this day doing the same, consistent, honest and true, as God knows, and as they very well know.

They had a computer disk with Beyond Babylon on it back then, and now Beyond Babylon is professionally published, and it says now, as then, that it is the GOVERNMENT of Israel's responsibility to remove the mosques and prepare for the Temple. Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful, has been stating that fact publicly since he helped to liberate the Temple Mount in 1967 during the Six Day War. What we say is LEGAL and BIBLICAL, although some would trample our rights to express ourselves and practice our religion, in a vain attempt to appease the Nazi-Muslim beasts. Thankfully, the Temple will soon be REALITY upon the TEMPLE Mount and the mosques will be history!

Why Edward Abington, Jr. Must Be Investigated!
"The American Diplomat in Arafat's Corner," published in The Jerusalem Report, came as no surprise to me. It was referring to Edward Abington, Jr., the United States' former consul general in Jerusalem who is now "guiding the Palestinians through the labyrinths of Washington. And his firm is being paid $2.25 million for his expertise."

Israel's Unjust Deportation of David Ben-Ariel
As a Christian-American member of the Temple Mount Faithful Movement, I had been privileged to participate in their legal demonstrations during my 10-month stay in Jerusalem awaiting dual citizenship. Israeli television often showed me with my Jewish friends carrying Israeli flags throughout the Old City.

Blow Up the Mosques or An Expired Visa?
Once again, an attempt to spread DISinformation about my unjust deportation from Israel, only provides me with another opportunity to clearly state my case and continue to highlight the plight of the Temple Mount suffering under a Nazi-Muslim occupation...

From Toledo to Jerusalem
You could say I have a God-given love for the Jews and the nation of Israel (Isaiah 62:6-7). That sacred bond has been strengthened over the years by the fact that I've been blessed to have lived all over Israel, getting to know its land and people quite well.

Dangerous Ideas?
During my brief appearance before Israel's High Court, the prosecution charged that I hold "dangerous ideas." I suppose the short-sighted prosecution would ban the Bible if he could since it contains the "dangerous ideas" that millions believe in! What are those "dangerous ideas?"

American Detained in Jerusalem's Russian Compound
Nobody arrested me. I was detained when I faithfully reported to the police office at 9 a.m. Monday morning, January 9, 1996 (day before my birthday) the day after The Jerusalem Post published on their front page an article shedding light on what they were doing in the dark:

"GSS Seeks to Deport American Citizen for Plot to Blow Up Al Aksa Mosque."

Exposing the German-Vatican Plot to Occupy Jerusalem
The one time The Traveller did run a political piece, it ruffled feathers with the local authorities. In 'Will Jerusalem become an international city?' by American writer David Ben-Ariel, readers were warned about a German-Vatican plot to take over Jerusalem, urged to take back the Temple Mount and dislodge 'as symbols of foreign occupation' Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock.

The Priestly Garments (Temple Institute)

The Temple Institute: The Priestly Garments: The Robe-->... III. The Robe Temple Institute Search: Advanced Search home about news events study tools gallery articles temple mt. red heifer donate donors wall contact multimedia newsletter/subscription ...

The Temple Institute: The Priestly Garments: The Ephod and Breastplate-->...onsisting of four materials; others opine that it belongs to the "white garments" category and was made of linen alone. The Pomegranates The robe was decorated with pomegranates that were made from three materials: sky-blue, dark-red and crimson dyed wools. "On the bottom of the robe, you shall...

The Temple Institute: The Priestly Garments: The Production of the Garments-->... The priestly garments are not sewn, like other clothes. Each item is woven, seamless, of one piece. The only exception to this is the sleeves of the robe, which are woven separately and sewn onto the robe afterwards.

The Temple Institute: The Priestly Garments: The Three Categories of Priestly Garments--> of four garments. The Golden Garments The eight garments worn by the High Priest all year round are as follows: The ephod, breastplate, robe, tunic, turban, belt, crown, and pants. These are the garments described in these verses: "And these are the garments which they shall make: a breas...

The Temple Institute: Mikdash Kids: Goodies-->...ed threads, as is described in the book of Exodus 28:34, (Shmot) "A golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegranate, on the hem of the robe all around." Imagine a jacket made from snails! Or walking around with bells on your clothes! Would you like to share your thoughts about the me'il ...

The Temple Institute: The Priestly Garments: The Bells & Pomegranates-->...anates These stunning close-ups of the bells and pomegranates of the me'il techelect - the blue robe of the High Priest - were taken by our friends Terry Kenyon and Forrest Walker. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...

The Temple Institute: The Priestly Garments: Significance of the Garments-->...nsecrate him, that he may minister to me in the priest's office. And these are the garments which they shall make: a breastplate, and an ephod, and a robe, and a quilted undercoat, a mitre, and a girdle; and they shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, and his sons, that he may minister to me i...

The Temple Institute: The Priestly Garments: The Garments Atone for Sins-->...over the heart, atones for "sins of the heart" - improper thoughts. The breastplate atones for errors in judgment. The ephod atones for idolatry. The robe atones for evil speech. The High Priest's crown atones for arrogance. "For honor and for beauty" The rabbis established that G-d's command f...

The Temple Institute: Site Map-->...nd the Vision of the Future Temple as Described in the Book of Ezekiel? From the "Events" Page Progress Report: The Blue Robe of the High Priest The Festival of the Water Libation First Light of the Golden Menorah The Value of a 50 Shekel Bill A Tale of Faith and Dedicat...

The Temple Institute: Support the Work of The Temple Institute-->...into the midrasha - the educational branch of The Temple Institute. Click here to see our recently completed project: the me'il techelet - the blue robe of the High Priest. Click here to learn about our latest vessels projects. (PDF) Taking a stand for the Holy Temple means taking a st...

The Temple Institute: Support the Work of The Temple Institute-->...into the midrasha - the educational branch of The Temple Institute. Click here to see our recently completed project: the me'il techelet - the blue robe of the High Priest. Click here to learn about our latest vessels projects. (PDF) Taking a stand for the Holy Temple means taking a st...

The Temple Institute: Support the Work of The Temple Institute-->...into the midrasha - the educational branch of The Temple Institute. Click here to see our recently completed project: the me'il techelet - the blue robe of the High Priest. Click here to learn about our latest vessels projects. (PDF) Taking a stand for the Holy Temple means taking a st...

The Temple Institute: Events at The Temple Institute-->...nter receive the award from Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski. "These are the vestments they are to make: a breastpiece, an ephod, a robe, a fringed tunic, a mitznefet (headdress), and a sash." (Ex. 28:4) A group of young women who are studying the art of weaving have recently complete...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

"We Can Surely Go Up"

"We Can Surely Go Up"
(Numbers 13:30)Sivan 25, 5769/June 18, 2009

There occur two incidents in the desert sojourns of the children of Israel in which the majority was led astray by a minority. The first incident is, of course, the debacle of the golden calf, in which the Israelites were persuaded by the mixed-multitude, the opportunistic tag-along escapees from Egypt, (who the Torah later refers to as "rabble," Numbers 11:4), to fashion the golden calf. The second incident is the infamous occasion of the spies. In the case of the spies, the people weren't misled by a mob of discontents, but by their own elite leaders.

G-d's wrath was kindled after both incidents, and in the aftermath of both incidents a "one-on-one, heart-to-heart" back-and-forth between G-d and Moses was required to cool the atmosphere and allow for the children of Israel to carry on as G-d's chosen people. In neither case was the status quo ante reestablished. Following the golden calf there emerged a distance between G-d and Israel that wasn't there before. The ramifications of the evil report of the spies, (the destruction of the first and second Holy Temple being a direct result), have plagued the children of Israel for millennia.

Following the "realignment" that took place after the golden calf incident, which was corrective and not punitive in nature, the nation quickly recovered. Yet the post-spies reality was not so simple. The entire generation was condemned to die in the desert. Only their children would eventually make it to the promised land of Canaan. Why was G-d's reaction to the maligning of the land of Israel so much more severe than the incident of the golden calf, which was actual idolatry?

G-d placed man in the world that He created in order that man fulfill a Divinely-appointed role. This role is manifested through deeds, through action. G-d designated the land of Israel as the arena in which the Israelite nation would bring to fruition His will. G-d's concern with the attitude of the desert generation towards the land of Israel, is understandably, then, of much greater magnitude than His vexation over the people's misguided attempt to create a kind of go-between between themselves and the Divine.

But the question of why G-d responded so harshly to the evil talk against the land can best be answered by understanding why the tribal leaders spoke out against the land in the first place. Many motivations have been speculated, one of them being their unwillingness to adapt themselves to the challenges presented by conquering, settling and engaging the land: Things were good in the desert. Manna fell from heaven, their clothes never grew threadbare, the well of Miriam was always nearby. They were in a protective bubble. Change generated by challenge was not a part of their existence, nor did they wish it to be.

Yet change, transformation, is what Torah is all about. G-d created man, and revealed His will at Sinai, in order that man will transform himself and the world around him, striving always to achieve His will and shape the world into one in which G-d's enduring presence is welcome. Settling the land of Israel, establishing a sovereign Torah nation, building the Holy Temple, and establishing the Divine service are all about engendering change in the world and creating an environment in which spiritual transformation and betterment for all mankind can be aspired to. Calev and Yehoshua, alone among the twelve spies understood this and refused to succumb to the prevailing negativity.

Today, once again, negativity and antipathy toward Israel and the G-d of Israel is sweeping the world. All who embrace the Torah challenge of transformation are called upon to redouble their determination to stand by Israel and her sacred land.

Tune in to the week's Temple Talk as Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven discuss the sin of the spies, and how it is incumbent upon each and every one of us to rectify their misdeed, and see and speak exclusively of the goodness of the land of Israel. The month of Tammuz is approaching, the month during which the twelve Israelite princes spied out the land. It is high time we transform the month of Tammuz from one of impending doom to one of rebirth and rekindling G-d's light in the Holy land.

This week features the latest Bat Melech video teaching with Rabbanit Rena Richman, entitled, "Michal, Daughter of Saul: Michal, the daughter of Saul and the wife of King David, was a righteous woman, and despite her father’s violent antipathy toward her husband David, she proved to him a loyal wife. It was her great resemblance to her father, however, which proved her ultimate undoing." Click here to view.

Today also features the new Light to the Nations teaching by Rabbi Chaim Richman, entitled, "On the Temple Mount: Maimonides’ Hilchot Beit HaBechirah - Laws of the Chosen House, chapter VII: The ten levels of sanctity of the land of Israel continue to increase in sanctity upon the Temple Mount. Not only is a person with tamei met - spiritual impurity caused by contact with a dead body - allowed upon the Temple Mount plaza, but even a dead body itself is allowed on the Mount. However, the tamei met person is forbidden by penalty of karet - spiritual excise from the Jewish people - within the confines of the Temple Courtyards." Click here to view.

Last week the Temple Institute posted a video "Jewish Response to the Obama Cairo Speech" in which Rabbi Chaim Richman spoke out against President Obama's embrace of the Moslem "narrative" concerning Israel and the many falsehoods and distortions he expressed throughout the speech. We asked all concerned to watch the video and to spread the word to others. To date, over 30,000 people have viewed the Rabbi's response. If you haven't yet seen the video, click here.

Korach: In praise of women: They avoided the sin of the golden calf; they did not participate in the badmouthing of the land of Israel. And in parashat Korach, we learn how the wife of On ben Pelet prevented her husband from taking part in the rebellion of Korach and helped him to repent of his original intentions. Stand by your man? Stand by your woman! Click here to view Rabbi Richman's short teaching on parashat Korach (Numbers 16:1-18:32).

Blessings from Jerusalem,
Yitzchak Reuven
PO Box 31876
Jerusalem, Israel 97500

Monday, June 15, 2009

Expel Arabs for peace!

Re: West Bank Dictionary

Johan van den Berg:
"When God promised the land to His people He put up a few conditions (cf. Jer. 7:1-8 a.o.). Those have to be met first, before any Jew can claim any part of the Holy Land."

What "conditions" do the covetous Ishmaelites and murderous Arabs have to fulfill to occupy dismembered parts of the Jewish homeland or to squat in the Promised Land of Israel? Even their accursed Koran acknowledges it's the Promised Land of Israel. When will they act like it and return to their many Arab countries of origin and leave Israel alone to live in peace?

The Twelve Tribes of Israel were far from perfect when God first brough them into the former land of the Canaanites and they were warned to keep it they would have to live holy lives.

In these latter days of civilization as we know it, God has brought back Judah first to His Land and calls upon them to live holy lives in His holy land promised to Israel (not Ishmael). He didn't demand perfection before their restoration, but foretold restoration to the Land and then repentance within it: “For I will take you from the nations, gather you from all the lands and bring you into your own land. 25 “Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols" - Ezekiel 24.

Part of the process of redemption, part of loving and obeying God, of leading holy lives in the holy Land of Israel, is to remember the Law of Moses and enforce peace through strength.

We shouldn't vainly attempt to be more righteous than God, or seek peace with those who are sworn enemies, after they've rejected every offer of biblical peace.

We should submit to the Word and Will of God and encourage the Jews to acknowledge Meir Kahane was right when he reminded the nation of what must be done: THEY MUST GO.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

David Ben-Ariel YouTube Audience Grows!

9602 views and counting!

Don't Give Up!
If you begin to cry out to God for help, even if it's only a whimper because you're so weak, He'll see and hear and respond. "The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saves such as be of a contrite spirit... none of them that trust in Him shall be desolate" (Ps. 34:18, 22).

Beyond Babylon David Ben Ariel
Beyond Babylon - the little book with a big impact - is destined to become a national debate and an international controversy!

Shimon Peres Rebuked!
Christian-Zionist David Ben-Ariel's strong response to Shimon Peres' weak AIPAC speech, condemning the lying peace process, collaboration with the Vatican and warning about UN Resolution 181 as the Final Solution!

Born Again: The Kingdom of God!
GOD IS REPRODUCING HIMSELF! That's the glorious Good News that Jesus boldly proclaimed! The Gospel of the KINGDOM OF GOD announces the GOD KINGDOM: a Spirit-Born Kingdom of God-Beings! A Royal Family that we can enter (Rev. 3:21). A Divine Family that will administer God's Government throughout the universe and eternity (Isa. 9:7; Dan. 7:18).

I'm not a terrorist
Is David Ben-Ariel a terrorist? Did he try to blow up the mosques in Israel? Is that why he was deported from Israel? Or is he simply somebody who has been targeted for exposing the German-Vatican plot against Jerusalem and highlighting the Nazi Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount?

God and Gays
God and the Gays - What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality!

United States in Prophecy!
The United States is mentioned in the Bible! We're descendants from Joseph and are Joes. The Jews are from the tribe of Judah. We need to get away from counterfeit Christianity and back to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and keep His Sabbath and biblical holy days.

Holocaust Hypocrisy!
Jews have failed to learn the lessons of the Holocaust and Israel proves it by permitting the German pope to pollute Jerusalem with his false peace proposals

Warning Jews
Warning Jews about the pope's plans for Jerusalem: Rome's dream will become Jerusalem's NIGHTMARE

Evil Eye
The Nazi pope aims to rip the heart out of Israel: Jerusalem!

Death to America
Death to the American, British and Jewish peoples? Concentration camps for YOUR family and friends? Why would God permit Europe to defeat and deport us? Does He really hate the abominations of Christmas and Easter that much?

Europe Nukes US!
Beyond Babylon warns we're going down & out because of our idolatry & immorality.

Dead & Buried
If somebody tells you folks are up in Heaven, they don't know what they're talking about. The Bible reveals the biblical heroes are dead & buried, waiting for the return of Christ and their resurrection!

Emperor Obama
Why has Obama FAILED to prove he's a natural born citizen? Shame on conservative cowards who have FAILED to demand proof! This is further proof America is under a curse

Pearly Gates
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth" - Matthew 5:5The New Jerusalem is coming down to EARTH - we don't go to Heaven!

A Household Word
The general public doesn't have a clue about the Gospel or the Ezekiel Warning Message! That woeful ignorance indicts the Church of God, since God says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." And that same God warns about our responsibility to sound the alarm so British-Israelites and Jews, and repentant Gentiles, can seek shelter in Him and avert the imminent nuclear Holocaust.

Drunks and Whores
Many professing Christians remain in denial that traditional Catholics and Protestants are spiritual drunks and whores (intoxicated by Catholic concoctions), drug addicts (under the heavy influence of Rome); traditional Christians and Catholics are spiritual practicing homosexuals, REPROBATES having a perverse spiritual preference for tradition over truth, for abominable baptized paganism, counterfeit Christian holidays they've accepted (following Constantine, not Jesus Christ), falling for accursed Rome's replacement theology that would replace the biblical Sabbath and holy days and dietary laws (we are commanded to keep) with their idolatrous traditions and unclean doctrines of demons.

"I don't hate all black people"
Dealing with charges of racism and terrorism, David Ben-Ariel speaks out

Thursday, June 11, 2009

"And Aharon did just so..."

"And Aharon did just so..."
(Numbers 8:3)

Sivan 19, 5769/June 11, 2009

Midrash teaches us that Aharon, the High Priest, was feeling dejected. The heads of the twelve tribes of Israel had just brought fabulous gifts and offerings in honor of the inauguration of the Tabernacle. In a profound display of unity, each tribal head brought the identical gifts. Aharon, the High Priest, however, had not been given the opportunity to represent his tribe of Levi, and likewise bring gifts to the altar. Moses tells his brother that he has been given a role far greater than that of all the tribal leaders. He is to kindle the flames of the golden menorah:
"And Aharon did just so..." (ibid), "Just so" the Torah emphasizes, without embellishment, "just so." "Vaya'as ken Aharon," in the Hebrew, literally, "And Aharon did in the affirmative." Just as he was instructed. Why does Torah point this out? Isn't this to be expected?

Torah is teaching us that this characteristic of Aharon of not interpolating his own ego, his own idea, his own way of doing things, into his role as Kohen Gadol - High Priest - is precisely the reason why he is the High Priest. This is highlighted previously in Torah, when Aharon is reluctant to approach the altar, and Moses confides to him that it is his very sense of humility which renders him the man fit for the job, (Rashi on Leviticus 9:7). More evidence of Aharon's humbleness before G-d's will can be seen when, after his two righteous sons, Nadav and Avihu meet their sudden demise, Aharon remains silent, not questioning the will of G-d (Leviticus 10:3).

However, when it came to acting on behalf of his fellow Israelites, Aharon was anything but passive. Midrash tells us that he worked ceaselessly to bring peace within the encampment. If a couple had a misunderstanding, there was Aharon, smoothing hurt feelings and bringing them back together. If neighbors were feuding, there was Aharon, cooling down tempers. If fathers and sons were at loggerheads, there was Aharon, bringing harmony back to the family. We are told by our sages: "Be of the disciples of Aharon, loving peace and pursuing peace, loving people and drawing them near the Torah." (Ethics of the Fathers 1:12)

It is not so easy to do "just so" in accordance with the will of G-d. Too often those who aspire to greatness, or feel that greatness is their prerogative, do precisely the opposite of Aharon: They ignore the plight of their fellow man, and start tinkering with what they perceive should be the will of G-d.

When Aharon kindles, (the Hebrew "beha'alotcha" literally, "raises up"), the seven lamps of the menorah he is bringing into this world the supernal, limitless light of the Holy One blessed be He. Through this pure light of G-d's love the world is lifted up in holiness. Far be it from Aharon, the servant of G-d and man, to impose the shadow of his own ego upon the light of G-d's embrace. May we merit leaders of the stature of Aharon.

Tune in to this week's Temple Talk as Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven discuss the silver trumpets the children of Israel were commanded to fashion in the desert, the differing attributes of silver and gold, the perfect humility of Aharon the High Priest, and what happens to world leaders when arrogance puts them on a collision course with justice and truth, and yes, we are referring to Barack H. Obama, and his infamous Cairo rapprochement with Islam.

On June 4, 2009, President Barack H. Obama delivered a speech in Cairo, Egypt, that contained a distorted view of the Jewish people's historical ties to the land of their forefathers, the land of Israel. The following video is a point-for-point Jewish response by Rabbi Chaim Richman to some, (but certainly not all), of Obama's outrageous claims. This is required viewing. Click here.

If you have not yet seen the Temple Institute's newly completed bezichin - the two golden frankincense vessels which were placed continually upon the golden table of the showbread in the Kodesh sanctuary of the Holy Temple, then please click here to see photographs and to learn more about the role the frankincense vessels played in the Divine service. To view a short video introducing the two golden frankincense vessels, please click here.

Today features the new Light to the Nations teaching by Rabbi Chaim Richman, entitled, "Reading the Shma: The ‘Shma Yisrael’ is the quintessential expression of the Jewish faith. What are it’s origins? How was it recited during Temple times? What is the message of the three paragraphs that make up the Shma? Answers contained within!" Click here to view.

Twelve spies are sent to Israel to gather intelligence and report back to Moshe and the people. Knowing full well that the children of Israel would inherit the land of Israel due to the merit of the forefathers Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya’akov, who received G-d's’s promise, Calev ben Yefuneh made a detour to Hevron and the cave of the Machpelah, in order to pray and spiritually unite with the souls of the righteous patriarchs. Click here to view Rabbi Richman's short teaching on parashat Shlach (Numbers 13:1-15:41).

Blessings from Jerusalem,
Yitzchak Reuven
PO Box 31876
Jerusalem, Israel 97500

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Will Israel Right the Wrong Against David Ben-Ariel?

This month's issue of The Jewish Voice and Opinion magazine (June 2009) runs a full page ad describing the unjust deportation of David Ben-Ariel from Israel for highlighting the plight of the Temple Mount under Nazi Muslim occupation and for exposing the German-Vatican plot against Jerusalem.

Jewish Voice and Opinion ad about David Ben-Ariel

A House of Prayer For All Peoples?
Jewish guards prevent Christians and Jews from exercising their religious right to pray on the Temple Mount? That's right! Only Muslims have unlimited access to Judaism's most holy site. Only the Koran is permitted within. The Tanach (Jewish Scripture, known to much of the world as the "Old Testament") and Christian Scriptures (the New Testament) are forbidden. Yet Israel claims to respect the religious rights of all people.

American Detained in Jerusalem's Russian Compound
Nobody arrested me. I was detained when I faithfully reported to the police office at 9 a.m. Monday morning, January 9, 1996 (day before my birthday) the day after The Jerusalem Post published on their front page an article shedding light on what they were doing in the dark: "GSS Seeks to Deport American Citizen for Plot to Blow Up Al Aksa Mosque."

Israel's Unjust Deportation of David Ben-Ariel
As a Christian-American member of the Temple Mount Faithful Movement, I had been privileged to participate in their legal demonstrations during my 10-month stay in Jerusalem awaiting dual citizenship. Israeli television often showed me with my Jewish friends carrying Israeli flags throughout the Old City.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

No Temple Mount award?

Re: "Jerusalem the Eternal Frontline."
(Caroline Glick received the Guardian of Zion Award from the Ingeborg Rennert Institute for Jerusalem Studies at Bar Ilan University)

Kol hakavod to Caroline Glick! May she go celebrate upon the Temple Mount with members of the Temple Mount Faithful and the Temple Institute who nobly represent those fighting on the eternal frontline of Jerusalem: the Temple Mount.

Oh wait! The state of Gentilized Jews refuses to permit Gershon Salomon, who helped liberate the Temple Mount, from ascending the Temple Mount. No wonder, with Israel and world Jewry’s woeful neglect of the Temple Mount since 1967, that Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem is questioned and despised, soon to be stripped by the German-Jesuit EU with the “blessings” of the pagan pope.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

The Two Frankincense Vessels

The Two Frankincense Vessels
Sivan 12. 5769/June 4, 2009

As we proceed further along in our weekly reading of the book of Numbers, (in Hebrew, Bamidbar, literally, "in the wilderness"), we are witness to sweeping changes taking place within the nation of Israel: The twelve tribes are organized into encampments which encircle the newly completed and consecrated tabernacle. From this civilian population an army is raised. Forming an inner perimeter around the tabernacle are the encampments, according to clan affiliation, of the Levites. The sons of Aharon, the priests, have taken up their tasks within the tabernacle, and the Levite males, between the ages of twenty and fifty years, have been assigned their specific responsibilities for disassembling, transporting and reassembling the tabernacle and its vessels, when, according to the will of G-d, the entire encampment travels. A sanhedrin of judges has been appointed to teach and implement the commandments of Torah received at Sinai, to resolve disputes and to create and maintain harmony and brotherhood within the assembly. All hearts face the tabernacle and all eyes look toward the promised land of Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey, a land soon to be known as Israel.

It would seem that all is well, and that the entering and conquest and settlement of the land of Israel will soon be underway. However, as we know, the road was not smooth, but bumpy. The time frame was not months, but decades. Much travail and much heartache was still to come. Yet, had the nation not come together and made all the preparations that it did, the children of Israel would no doubt have crumbled and scattered before the difficult challenges they were soon to face. Israel, along with the promise of Sinai, would have disappeared into the desert sands.

This week the Temple Institute unveiled its latest achievement in its efforts to prepare Israel and the world for the rebuilding of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem: Two golden frankincense vessels have been created. The two vessels, known in Hebrew as bezichin, are described in Exodus 25:29, where they are translated in English as "spoons." Their purpose is further described in Leviticus 24:5-7: "And you shall take fine flour and bake it [into] twelve loaves. Each loaf shall be [made from] two tenths [of an ephah of flour]. And you place them in two stacks, six in each stack, upon the pure table, before HaShem. And you shall place pure frankincense alongside each stack, and it shall be a reminder for the bread, a fire offering to HaShem." The bezichin are the vessels into which the frankincense was placed and then set upon the table of the showbread. These two small implements, (each of the new vessels is made from 150 grams of 14 carat gold), play an essential role in the showbread service which took place in the Kodesh Sanctuary of the Holy Temple.

Some may ask, and perhaps should ask, "At this point in history, with the world economy in crisis, and with an ever increasing threat of war looming over the world, and a very real threat of existential annihilation facing the nation of Israel, is this really the time to be occupying ourselves with the fabrication of golden vessels to be used in the Holy Temple?"

The answer is a resounding "Yes!" It is essential today, just as it was in the desert, to keep our hearts and minds focussed on our real purpose as a nation, under G-d, united by Torah, even as, and especially as we face the tremendous challenges that lay ahead. Only by maintaining this unity of purpose and destiny will we weather the approaching storms and arrive, at last, at our "end-goal," a world fit for the G-d of Israel, and united, in His honor, around the Holy Temple. Yes, the two small golden bezichin do make a difference, as do the people whose generous devotion to G-d's word made their manufacture possible. The message of unity of purpose and dedication to the G-d of Israel, the Torah of Israel and the land of Israel transcends the people of Israel. It is meant for all seek the truth and G-d's honor.

G-d has blessed us with the promise of redemption to be attained in the final chapter of our story. We, in turn, must remain steadfast and determined in the roles which He assigned us in this great saga. G-d cannot bring us to our destiny alone. It is incumbent upon ourselves to help make this happen. United we can.

Tune in to the week's Temple Talk as Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven discuss the weekly Torah portions of Naso and Beha'alotcha, and shine a light upon the suspected adulteress, America, and the Two State "Solution" Israel is being forced to swallow. Just like the nazarite, scared straight by the prospect, it is high time to say "No" to Obama, "No you can't!" Also, the new golden frankincense vessels for use in the Divine service of the Holy Temple are introduced to the world.

"This Is The Day Which Hashem Has Made; We Will Rejoice And Be Glad In It."(Psalms 118:24)

The Temple Institute is very pleased to announce the completion of the bezichin - the two golden frankincense vessels which were placed continually upon the golden table of the showbread in the Kodesh sanctuary of the Holy Temple. To see photographs and to learn more about the role the frankincense vessels played in the Divine service, please click here.

To view a short video introducing the two golden frankincense vessels, please click here.

Today features the new Light to the Nations teaching by Rabbi Chaim Richman, , in which scholarly Temple teaching meets head on with extremely current events: "The Two Bezichin: With the two newly created golden frankincense vessels in hand, Rabbi Richman describes their use in the weekly avodah - service - of the twelve loaves of the showbread, which took place within the Kodesh Sanctuary of the Holy Temple. The miraculous nature of the showbread contains a spiritual message relevant to us all." Click here to view.

Remembering free food in Egypt: How could the children of Israel have eaten free food in Egypt, when, as slaves, they even had to provide for the raw materials for the very bricks that they were compelled to produce? It wasn’t the monetary value of the food that they were referring to, but the idea that they were free from responsibility, free from the “yoke” of Torah, the covenant of Sinai. Click here to view Rabbi Richman's short teaching on parashat Beha’alotcha (Numbers 8:1-12:16).

Blessings from Jerusalem,
Yitzchak Reuven
PO Box 31876
Jerusalem, Israel 97500