Friday, January 20, 2006

Temple Institute: The Irrepressible Truth

The Irrepressible Truth

Tevet 19, 5766/January 19,2006

SINCE 1999 THE MOSLEM WAKF has been conducting illegal construction of an underground Mosque on the southern third of the Temple Mount. In the course of this illegal construction the Wakf has been using heavy tractors to excavate the earth. The stated purpose behind the Wakf's actions has been both to "create facts" on the ground, rendering the Mount a "Moslem only" site, and to destroy any archeological evidence of the first and second Holy Temples which stood on the Mount. This is part and parcel of a consistent policy of the Palestinian Authority to deny that the Holy Temple ever existed.

ALTHOUGH MANY HAVE PROTESTED the brazen assault on this holiest of sites, the Israeli government has consistently followed the policy of acquiescence. A young archeologist by the name of Zachi Zweig, however, refused to stand idly by. Working with Dr. Gabriel Barkay, Zachi organized and oversaw the transfer of the debris from where it was dumped, (illegally), in the Kidron Valley to an alternative location, where a crew of volunteers have been painstakingly sifting through the dirt and rubble looking for signs of the past.

THE MOSLEM ATTEMPT TO OBLITERATE any remaining physical evidence of the Holy Temple has actually enabled Zachi and Dr. Barkay to uncover priceless links to the past. It must be kept in mind, however, that the wanton Wakf destruction has severely impaired the ability of archeologists to properly analyze the discoveries, due to the fact that they were removed from their original location. And, of course, the archeologists are not able to study those remnants that were pulverized into dust by the Wakf bulldozers. Yet, despite the adverse conditions, significant discoveries have been made of artifacts from both the first and second Temple era. Bronze coins dating from the Great Revolt against the Roman authority in the year 70 CE. have been uncovered. Other discoveries have followed, including three remarkable remnants we have now posted on our site. Those of us who believe in the historical veracity of the Hebrew Bible do not require archeological evidence to bolster our convictions, just as those that are willing to employ any and all methods in an attempt to pervert, deny, and obliterate the truth certainly won't be moved by a few archeological finds, however startling they may be. Yet these discoveries, as you will see, can bring us tantalizingly close to a period in human history of nearly a thousand years, when the Holy Temple stood on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. To view these new finds, click here.

Next Monday, January 23, Temple Talk will resume its weekly broadcast. For details, please visit Multimedia.

Yitzchak Reuven

PO Box 31876
Jerusalem, Israel 97500

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