Sunday, November 11, 2007

What part about TEMPLE Mount doesn't Bush get?

Recently, President Bush had chief rabbis of Israel arrive in these "Lands of the Covenant" (USA in Hebrew) to explain the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
CFR Condi Rice recently told such chief rabbis she was the daughter and granddaughter of "priests" and had read the Bible. Other than the fact that Protestants don't refer to their ministers as priests, apparently Condi just didn't get it when she read the Bible since it clearly reveals it's the Promised Land of ISRAEL (not Ishmael) and that it's the TEMPLE Mount (not mosque hill).
Couldn't Bush have just humbled himself before the God of Israel and prayerfully read and believed the plain truth of the Bible and stop aiding and abetting terrorism, and stop calling for Israel to further dismember its holy land and biblical inheritance for sworn enemies?