Sunday, June 24, 2007

Jews for CAIR and Israelis for Fatah

Arthur Waskow Bogus Rabbi who Trashes Israel but loves CAIR

Should such a stink be raised about a questionable "rabbi" who lives in a self-imposed exile (like other assimilated Jews), who aids and abets terrorism, who is clearly in denial of CAIR's evil intent, when the Israeli government (including rabbis) is overflowing with the sewage of "Jewish leaders" who misled Israelis that the PLO was a "peace partner" and now deceive themselves that Fatah is a friend? Who is more dangerous between the two?

Don't Expel Jews from Gaza!

Shimon Peres has No Clothes: Where's the Peace?

Israel's Only Way Out: Follow Kahane!

Daniel Pipes: Can the Leopard Change Its Spots?

Kadima Wins, Israel Loses!

Ariel Sharon: From Zionist to Traitor

Israel's Chief Rabbi Invites Foreign Occupation