Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Temple Mount Faithful Jerusalem Day March 2007

Be’ezrat HaShem
With the Help of G-d
June 18, 2007

A Special March of The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
and an Exciting godly Event on the Temple Mount on “Jerusalem Day”
28th of Iyar, 5767 - May 16, 2007 Commemorating the 40 Year Anniversary of
the Liberation of the Temple Mount and
Jerusalem by the Israeli Forces of
G-d in the Year 1967

The G–d of Israel appeared before the Faithful Movement in a unique way when they entered upon the Temple Mount to pray and to meet the G–d of Israel

Since 1967 the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement, which was anointed and committed by the G–d of Israel to rebuild the Temple on the holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem, marches every year on “Jerusalem Day”, the day that became a holiday that commemorates the liberation of the Temple Mount and the biblical Jerusalem, from the “Ammunition Hill” to the holy hill of G-d. This is one of the most important events of the Faithful Movement in her intensive activities for the building of the end-time Temple of G-d in the place that G-d chose to dwell among His people Israel thousands of years ago. A major part of the Faithful work is to educate the people of Israel to be again a biblical nation and to fulfill their mission to be a “holy nation, a kingdom of priests and a light to the nations” (Exodus 19:5-6). The Faithful Movement believes that for this purpose G-d created Israel and the rebuilding of the Temple, to be a house of prayer, worship, love and as a tower of light in the middle of the ocean for Israel and for all the nations in the lifetime of our generation, is a condition and an opening of the door for the fulfillment of this major godly cause of Israel exactly as the prophet Isaiah shared with us in one of his most exciting prophesies:

“The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. And many people shall go and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths; for from Zion shall go forth Torah, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall decide for many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war any more. O house of Jacob, come, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.” (Isaiah 2: 1-5)

On the “Ammunition Hill”, which is located two miles from the Temple Mount, took place in 1967 the most critical battle between the Israeli forces and the Arab forces. More than 200 Israeli soldiers gave their lives for the liberation of the Temple Mount and the biblical Jerusalem. Many of them fell on this hill. They did not stop until the way to the Temple Mount and the biblical Jerusalem was opened before them. They preferred to die and to give the greatest gift that can be given by these heroes to the coming Israeli generations and even to all the world. There are no words that can express these heroic battles of the Israeli soldiers in this godly war. They were led and commanded by the G–d of Israel that became again the general and the commander of the Israeli forces exactly as it was in the biblical times and as He promised His people by His prophets that He will fight for them when the enemies will come against His people. Through His prophet Zechariah the G–d of Israel prophesied that in the end-times, the time that we are now experiencing, when the enemies will come against Israel that He will fight with them in the field of battle and give them the victory:

“For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle... and on that day there shall not be Cananite any more in the house of the Lord of hosts.” (Zechariah 14: 2-3, 21)

“The burden of the word of the Lord concerning Israel, says the Lord, who stretches out the heavens, and lays the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit of man inside him. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of reeling to all the nations around, and it shall also be against Judah in the siege against Jerusalem. And on that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all the peoples; all who burden themselves with it shall be grievously hurt. And all the peoples of the earth shall be gathered together against it. On that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he who is feeble among them shall be as David on that day; and the house of David shall be like a divine being, like the angel of the Lord before them. And it shall come to pass on that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.” (Zechariah 12: 1-3, 8-9)

The Six Day War was a godly war

The G–d of Israel returned His people to the most biblical areas in Judea, Samaria, Gaza, Sinai and the Golan Heights and in the top of all of them the Temple Mount and Jerusalem where the nation of G-d and the exciting relationship and dialogue between G-d and His people took place

Moshe Dyan, the Defence Minister of Israel missed this major godly moment, the rebuilding of the Temple and the coming of Mashiach ben David was delayed just temporarily: Israel can not run away from her godly destiny

As we see, the Six Day War was a godly war. This war started after the Arab countries again surrounded Israel from all sides and blocked seaways especially from the Red Sea. I will never forget what we heard from all the Arab broadcastings. Again and again, days and nights we could hear their governments stating that very soon they would attack Israel from all the sides, they will destroy the State of Israel, they will push the Jews into the Mediterranean and rape all their women. They stated it in terrible satanic words that can not be repeated here. They were sure that Israel was now very weak and they have at last the opportunity to destroy her after they did not succeed to do so when they attacked Israel in 1948 and 1956 and on other occasions. They never learned from their own experience when they were defeated again and again by the small state and people of Israel in all their former wars against Israel. They never wanted to accept that Israel has the best commander and general in the world and His name is the G-d of Israel, the G-d of Hosts.

All the wars since 1948 were godly wars. The G–d of Israel appeared in all of them, saved His people Israel and together with His Israeli soldiers defeated all these vandalistic Arab Islamic forces, who were sure that they can defeat the G–d of Israel, the creator of the universe and His chosen people Israel. G-d judged all of them and gave them a terrible lesson. However, the Six Day War in 1967 should be called a major godly war and an important stage in the process of the Zionist redemption of Israel that is taking place in the promised land especially since 1948. God appeared in all the fields of battles and in six days defeated together with the small Israel all the Arab forces that attacked Israel from the south by Egypt, from the north by Syria and from the east by Jordan with the backing of all the other Arab countries. Together with them fought against Israel one of the greatest powers of that time, the Soviet Union. Actually they were all defeated in three hours when the Israeli Air Forces destroyed all the Arab Air Forces. The war continued six more days because the G–d of Israel wanted to beat them more and more. The G–d of Israel appeared in all the fields of battle. There are exciting descriptions of Israeli soldiers who during the war saw angels fighting together with them and felt the presence of G-d among them.

Unfortunately, the Israeli Government showed weakness in one of the stages the Six Day War when they transferred a message to King Hussein of Jordan, telling him that Israel would not liberate the Temple Mount and Jerusalem if he would not attack Israel. However, the G–d of Israel had completely other plans for the Temple Mount and Jerusalem and this statement of the Israeli Government was not a part of them. Like the G–d of Israel did with pharaoh in Egypt in the times of Moses, He hardened the heart of King Hussein and pushed him to attack the Israeli part of Jerusalem. The end of it is very well known. Jerusalem and the Temple Mount were liberated during this battle by G-d and His Israeli soldiers and again became and now forever will be the eternal capital, the heart and the soul of the G–d and the people of Israel. The Temple Mount again became a part of the Israeli sovereignty and ready to rebuild the Third Temple. This was the greatest desire of the G–d and the people of Israel since the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 CE.

I had the privilege to be an Israeli soldier and officer. It is really a great privilege to be a soldier and an officer of G-d. I was terribly injured before the Six Day War in one of the battles in the north of Israel when the Syrian forces, thousands of them, attacked my unit, 150 Israeli soldiers. They attacked us from the Heights of the Golan while my unit was in the valley. In a battle of eight hours the Syrian forces were defeated but the main event in this battle was when G-d appeared together with His angels, saved my life and gave the victory to the minority Israeli unit. G-d saved my life not as an accident but for a purpose. He showed me the purpose in the Six Day War when I stood together with the Israeli forces in the Six Day War on the Temple Mount after an heroic battle of the Israeli forces and their commander, the G–d of Israel. I will never forget this exciting godly moment when we stood in front of the rock of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that was located in the First and the Second Temple in the midst of the Holy of Holies and on it stood the Arc of the Covenant given by G-d to His people at Sinai more that 3,300 years ago. We stood there with tears of joy in our eyes and as it was written in the Psalms - we were like dreamers. It was really a dream of 2,000 years since the destruction of the Second Temple which became in the front of our eyes a reality. There are no words to express exactly our feelings at this moment that appears in the life of a nation only once in thousands of years. We felt as messengers of the G–d of Israel and hundreds of generations of the Israeli nation. We felt like we were in heaven. This was the moment and the place where I felt why G-d saved my life. It was when I felt the Spirit of the G–d of Israel dwelling again in my heart so strongly. I felt G-d speaking again to my heart, exactly as He did in the field of battle in front of the Golan Heights and calling me for the mission of my life: to rebuild His holy Temple in the lifetime of our generation. It was the moment that I expected for it all my life. It was a godly moment of anointing and dedicating for the biggest and most exciting mission and cause that a Jew can expect for in his life. Together with me stood young Israeli soldiers and officers who were born and raised in secular kibbutzim and families. Their eyes and face were also full of tears at this exciting moment. When I asked them: “what is the meaning of this moment for you”? They answered me: “for the first time of our life we met the G–d of Israel at this holy place; for the first time in our life He appeared before us and we feel that He is hugging us and that He is holding our hands. For the first time in our lives we recognize the G-d of our forefathers. For Him, for His Word and for His morals we shall fight and dedicate our lives.”

It was a godly very long moment. The G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob appeared again before His people Israel at the place that He chose to dwell among His people. We felt His presence so strongly and deeply among us. Hopes, dreams, prayers and desires of almost 2,000 years since Israel was taken from this place became a reality and G-d gave this major privilege to our generation. We felt like the Mashiach ben David was knocking on the gates of the Temple Mount calling Israel to open them and welcome him.

Unfortunately, the leadership of Israel and especially the Defence Minister of Israel, Moshe Dyan, was not ready for this great godly moment. It was a terrible moment of weakness from all of them when Moshe Dyan commanded the Israeli Army to take away the Israeli flag from on top of the Dome of the Rock and to hang it on the Western Wall, the Wailing Wall as it was called by foreigners who occupied the land of Israel, the wall that expresses destruction, exile and foreign anti-godly control in the land of the G–d and the people of Israel. It was a shameful and sinful act that took Israel mentally back to the time of exile and destruction. It was an act that brought tears and sadness to the heart of the G–d of Israel. He gave the Temple Mount and the biblical Jerusalem back to Israel not just to make a short tour to the Temple Mount His holy hill but very clearly to remove the Arab Islamic enemy from the Temple Mount, to purify it and to immediately rebuild His holy Temple so that He can again dwell among His people Israel. The G–d of Israel longed so much for 1,897 years for this moment and the leadership of His children destroyed it and disappointed Him so much by this sinful act. This shameful act was even worse when Moshe Dyan called the Arabs backs to the Temple Mount after they ran away from the Temple Mount when they saw the Israeli forces coming. He gave them the keys of the holy hill and allowed them to continue their pagan worship and their prayers with their faces to their pagan center in Mecca and with their back to the Holy of Holies. More than this he forbade Jews or any other non-Muslims to pray or worship on the Temple Mount.

Immediately after the Six Day War Israel renewed her sovereignty on the Temple Mount and the biblical Jerusalem which were liberated in this war. The government of Israel also located the police station on the Temple Mount and Israeli police are taking care of the security on the Temple Mount and its gates. However, in practice the Muslims continued to manage the Temple Mount. Later it was so tragic for Israel and for all the world when the Arabs started to dig on the Temple Mount and destroy remains of the First and Second Temple in order to physically convert the Temple Mount into an Islamic site and to deny the existence of the Temple on the holy hill of G-d. They know well that their time on the Temple Mount, Jerusalem and the land of Israel is very short and that the Jewish Temple is very soon to be rebuilt. They know it even from their own religious books and they feel when they watch the godly redemptional events in Israel that this is a clear godly decision and they can not change it. They are fighting against G-d and His people Israel to change and stop this event but who can fight against the Almighty G-d of Israel? They lost the battle from the first moment and they will loose it again and again.

At this critical and crucial moment I knew that the great expectations of G-d to return together with His people Israel to His holy mountain was delayed. It was delayed but not completely smashed because Israel can not run away from her destiny to be the people of G-d, to rebuild His kingdom in the holy land of Israel that G-d gave them in an eternal covenant, to fulfill His own dream to dwell again in His rebuilt Temple among His people Israel in the lifetime of our generation and to share this godly major event which is taking place in Israel with all the world so that G-d can dwell now among all His creation and mankind and His holy Temple will be a house of prayer, worship and love for all nations (Isaiah 2: 1-5, 56: 6-7, Micah 4: 1-4). My prayer to G-d is that it will not be delayed for a long time.

Everyone asked and still wonders why Moshe Dyan made this terrible decision and act. The answer is very clear and even he himself answered it in his statements. He was afraid from the Arab and Islamic reaction if he would remove the mosques from the Temple Mount and rebuild the Temple. He was afraid than more than a billion Muslims, together with all the world would come to attack and destroy Israel if he did so. He and the political leadership of Israel and even most of the rabbis did not trust the G–d of Israel and His promises to stand with His people and to protect them and that together with Him they would be the majority and all the rest the minority. They feared the human being powers and “giants” of our time but they did not fear and trust the Almighty One of Israel. It was even a bigger sin than the sinful act of Moshe Dyan itself.

What is the significance of a 40 year delay since 1967

More than 3,300 years ago a similar sinful event happened in the history of Israel. It was when Moses sent the 12 spies to the promised land of Israel. When they returned, ten of them told the people of Israel that they can not liberate and settle the land that G-d gave them because of the “giants” who dwell in the land and that they will kill all the children of Israel on the mountains of the promised land. They did not trust the promises of the G–d of Israel that He would fight with His people and defeat all the “giants” and give them the land forever as He promised. However, they did not trust the Almighty G–d of Israel and His promises. They did not fear Him but human beings and they called the people of Israel to give up the land and to go back to slavery. All the people agreed with them. Just two of the spies, Yehoshua bin Nun and Calev ben Yefunne called the people of Israel to go to the promised land, to trust G-d and that G-d will defeat all the “giants: and give them the land as promised. However, G-d decided that this generation did not deserve to and could not inherit the land but would die in the wilderness of Sinai. Forty years later G-d gave the next generation, together with Yehoshua and Caleb the privilege to inherit the promised land, to liberate it and to settle it. He fought with them in all the fields of battle and gave them the victory.

We are now 40 years after the sinful decision and act of Moshe Dyan. No doubt that the G–d of Israel delayed the reliberation of the Temple Mount and the rebuilding of the Temple for 40 years exactly as in the time of the exodus from Egypt. These two terrible events and sins in the history of Israel are the same. Both times they did not trust in the G–d of Israel and His promises. Both times they were punished with a delay of 40 years and the privilege was given to the new generation. Just Yehoshua and Caleb had the godly privilege to come to the promised land, to fight for her, to see the promises of G-d becoming a reality and to live in the land. The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement, like Yehoshua and Caleb, is calling on the people of Israel to trust only the G–d of Israel and not to fear any human being. The Faithful Movement of G-d is calling on the Government of Israel to remove the enemies and their pagan shrines from the Temple Mount and to immediately rebuild the Temple of G–d. The Temple Mount Faithful Movement are the Yehoshua and Caleb’s of our time and like them they will soon see and experience in their lifetime the fulfillment of this vision and how all the “giants” of our time who are coming against Israel will be defeated. NOBODY CAN STOP the decision of the G–d of Israel to redeem His people Israel, to rebuild the Temple and then to send Mashiach ben David in the lifetime of this generation.

As we see and watch the events today inside Israel, around her and all over the world this delay of 40 years since 1967 has a special godly significance. Nothing is an accident in the history of Israel and G-d is leading and directing the history of His people. A new prophetic stage is opening in the history of Israel. Critical and marvellous godly events in the history of the State and the people of Israel are beginning. The end-time war against Israel, exactly as it was prophesied Ezekiel, Zechariah and Joel, is behind the door and it will be the judgement war on all the enemies that persecuted Israel (Obediah). The end of this war will begin the climax of the redemptional process of Israel and all the world. We shall be witnesses of the fulfillment of exciting end-time prophecies and in the midst of them the rebuilding of the Temple and the coming of Mashiach ben David. It is now time, more than at any time in the past, to read the prophets of Israel. We shall find there all the end-time plans of the G–d of Israel about Israel and all the world.

The march of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement to the Temple Mount on the 28 of Iyar 1767 (May 16, 2007) opened a new and dramatic stage in her historical campaign to make this vision
a living reality in our lifetime

An exciting godly event on the Temple Mount when the Faithful entered upon the hill of the G–d of Israel

The Temple Mount Faithful Movement started her campaign immediately after the Six Day War, when Moshe Dyan made this tragic sinful decision. I called Faithful Israeli leaders and I told them that from this moment we start an historical godly campaign to correct the anti-godly decision of Moshe Dyan, and to call the Israeli nation to immediately remove the enemy from the Temple Mount together with his pagan shrines. We decided not to wait more and to start even sooner than is possible, the rebuilding of the Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, on the same location as the First and the Second Temple as G-d is expecting from us to do. We decided to reeducate the Israeli nation about their covenant with G-d, to be a biblical nation with a biblical mission.

On Jerusalem Day, the 16
th of May, the Movement commemorated the great godly miracle of the Six Day War and 40 years of a godly historical struggle and campaign for the immediate rebuilding of the Temple, to reeducate the leadership of Israel, the people of Israel and all the world about the significance of the 1967 godly event. It opened a new stage in my life after my service in the Israeli army, a stage of answering the call of G-d to His people Israel and to me and to make this call no more just a vision but a living reality in our lifetime. Day and night during these 40 years we dedicated our lives completely for this great mission. We marched again and again to the Temple Mount demonstrating the expectations of the G–d of Israel and the end-time prophetic history of Israel, to reliberate the Temple Mount, to remove the abomination from the holy hill of G-d, to rebuild His Temple and to make Israel again a biblical nation with a biblical mission, to be a holy nation, a kingdom of priests, and a light to the nations (Exodus 19: 5-6). We also started this process by preparing the cornerstones for the Third Temple (6 ½ ton each marble stones) exactly as they were in the Second Temple. We also made many other events, demonstrations and activities in Israel and even all over the world. Like Yehoshua and Kaleb we wanted to show to the G–d of Israel that we are Faithful to Him and to the mission that He gave us and to bring to pass all His end-time expectations from His people Israel.

The march of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement from the “Ammunition Hill” to the Temple Mount had a special significance. It was an historical march that on one hand finished a time of godly judgement because of the scene of Moshe Dyan and the leadership of Israel in 1967 and on the other hand opened a new era and stage in the process of the redemption of Israel and the exodus from exile mentality to redemptional, biblical godly mentality. We felt that a new era was opened on this day and a new stage in the history of the redemption of Israel, a godly spiritual stage which will prepare Israel to fulfill her godly task.

We chose this route for our march because it was the way where the heroic Israeli soldiers of G-d fought in the Six Day War, battle after battle, on their way to liberate the Temple Mount and the biblical Jerusalem. In front of the memorial monuments along the way, commemorating the soldiers who fell in the battles, we honored them, we prayed for their pure soul and thanked them for their great sacrifice for the liberation of the hill of G-d and His holy city. When we arrived at Jaffa Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem we undertook an important demonstration. Gershon Salomon, the chairman of the Faithful Movement, called on the Israeli Government to answer the call of G-d to them and to our generation and not to again loose the great opportunity and gift that the G–d of Israel gave us and to immediately purify the Temple Mount from Islamic pagan presence and desecration. He called the people of Israel not to repeat the terrible sin of Moshe Dyan in 1967 and to rebuild the Temple of G–d in the lifetime of our generation as He expected Israel to do when He returned the Temple Mount to the sovereignty of Israel in the Six Day War. Forty years of judgement by the G–d of Israel were finished and we are not allowed to wait more and repeat the sin of 1967. Gershon called upon Israel and its leadership to immediately obey the call of G–d to our generation:

“Is it time for you, yourselves, to dwell in your well timbered houses, while this house lies in ruins? Thus says the Lord of hosts; Consider your ways. Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, says the Lord. You looked for much, and, behold, it came to little; and when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why? says the Lord of hosts. Because of my house that lies in ruins, and everyone of you runs to his own house.” (Haggai 1: 4,7-9)

Gershon, also called upon the Israeli Government to immediately reject and cancel the anti-godly plans of Prime Minister Olmert and the President of the United States George W. Bush to divide again the land of Israel and not to rebel against the G–d of Israel Who gave the holy land of Israel only to His people Israel in an eternal covenant, by founding in the midst of the land of Israel a foreign “Palestinian” state of terror and murderers. He called them to immediately return to Gaza strip the Israeli settlements that were evacuated and destroyed by the ex-Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, as a rebellion against the G–d of Israel and His covenant with His people. He called on them to never again evacuate Israeli settlements from the land of Israel but to build more and more Israeli settlements in the land of Israel and to fulfill the call of G-d to Israel to do so:

“Behold, the days come, says the Lord, when the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who sows seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt. And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall rebuild the ruined cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink their wine; they shall also make gardens, and eat their fruit. And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be plucked up out of their land which I have given them, says the Lord your God.” (Amos 9:13-15)

Gershon called them to liberate from Arab Islamic control all the areas of the promised land which are today controlled by foreign Arab countries, to immediately regather the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel that were discovered recently in the Far East, mainly in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and to settle them in these areas and in Samaria from where they were exiled 2,800 years ago by the Assyrians. It is the expectation of G–d since they were exiled and a condition for the coming of Mashiach ben David:

“Say to them, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his companions, and will put them with him, with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in my hand.“And the sticks on which you write shall be in your hand before their eyes. And say to them, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will take the people of Israel from among the nations, where they have gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land; And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all; and they shall be no more two nations, nor shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all; And David my servant shall be king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd; they shall also follow my judgments, and observe my statutes, and do them. And they shall dwell in the land that I have given to Jacob my servant, where your fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell in it, they and their children, and their grandchildren for ever; and my servant David shall be their prince for ever. And I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them; and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore. My tabernacle also shall be with them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And the nations shall know that I, the Lord, sanctify Israel, when my Temple shall be in the midst of them for evermore.” (Ezekiel 37: 19-22, 24-28)

Gershon called the Israeli Government and the people of Israel not to fear humans even if all mankind comes against them when they will fulfill all of these expectations of G–d and rebuild the Temple, but to trust the G–d of Israel, His promises and His call to His people not to fear even from “giants” as the ten spies did and weakened the children of Israel in the wilderness:

“On that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Do not fear, O Zion! Let not your hands be slack. The Lord your God is in your midst; a mighty one who saves, he will rejoice over you with joy; he will be silent in his love, he will joy over you with singing. I will gather those who mourn far away for the solemn assembly, who were of you, who had borne for you the burden of insult. Behold, at that time I will undo all who afflict you; and I will save her who limps, and gather her who was driven out; and I will get praise and fame to those who have been put to shame in all the earth. At that time I will bring you back, and at that time I will gather you; for I will make you a name and a praise among all the people of the earth, when I restore your captivity before your eyes, says the Lord.” (Zephaniah 3: 16-20)

Gershon also warned all the enemies of Israel who prepare them selves to destroy Israel, and all the powers and nations in the world who put pressure on Israel to divide the land of Israel to beware of the judgement of the G–d of Israel as He warned them in His Word:

“For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring back the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will enter into judgment with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and have divided my land” (Joel 4: 1-2)

From Jaffa Gate the Faithful continued to march to the Temple Mount, the climax and the top of this exciting event and march of the Faithful Movement. When we arrived at the Temple Mount and we entered to the Temple Mount as one group an exciting godly event happened. A rain that started when we arrived to the area of the Temple Mount became so strong when we entered upon the Temple Mount, so strong that we never saw and experienced in our lives such a rain. It was like huge rivers of water came suddenly from heaven and brought in a short time a great amount of water on the ground. What also was unusual was the timing of this unique rain that came in the time of summer in Israel when as normal we do not see even one drop of rain. Immediately at the same time started also a very strong wind that never happened in the past at this time of the year. It was so strong that it reminded us of what was said in the scriptures of how G-d appeared before His people in the strong wind and storm. It was really an exciting appearance of the Shekinah of G–d before His Faithful children on His holy hill. When it happened all the Arabs on the Temple Mount ran away because of fear from this godly sight and unusual rain and wind. The Temple Mount was empty and ready to welcome the Temple Mount Faithful marchers. We all felt that G-d prepared and made this scenario especially for the Temple Mount Faithful who, for the first time after many years, G-d put in the mind of the Israeli authorities to allow them to enter upon the Temple Mount as one group. It was a gift from the G–d of Israel for His Faithful soldiers and children that for 40 years have been fighting, struggling and campaigning for Him, for the rebuilding of His holy Temple and for educating His people Israel to again be a biblical nation who should fulfill the biblical mission of G–d to be a holy nation, a kingdom of priests and a light to the nations. For this He appeared before them in such an exciting way and removed the enemy from the Temple Mount and it was ready for the Faithful to meet their beloved G–d on His holy hill with no disturbance or presence of foreigners and enemies. The Faithful could even pray and worship G–d with their faces to the Holy of Holies and nobody was there to stop or to disturb them. After many years that they could not do so they felt that this unique rain was a blessing from G–d. They did not cover themselves from the rain, they felt that it warms their hearts and like G–d is caressing and hugging His Faithful children and encouraging them to continue their holy work. They became so wet but it did not bother them. More than this it healed and warmed them. We felt like G–d is cleansing the sin of 40 years of Moshe Dyan and opening the gates of the Temple Mount for the new era of building His house and kingdom. He showed us through this unique godly event the way for purification of His holy mountain that He started with these rivers of water from heaven. It was like He is telling us that until this moment the time was dedicated for the physical building of Jerusalem, the land and His kingdom, which surely should continue in the future, but from now on after these 40 years Israel is called and should start to build under the G–d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the Spiritual Jerusalem and G-d’s Kingdom.

The gate of heaven was opened for the Faithful on the Temple Mount

This godly event was an opening of the great window from heaven. We know that the Temple Mount has been called a gate to heaven since the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Through this gate the G–d of Israel and His Shekinah appeared to His people Israel and blessed them. It is the only place in the world where heaven touches the ground, at Mount Moriah. This is the place where G–d dwelled among His people Israel in the Holy of Holies of the Temple. This gate was closed when the Temple was destroyed by the enemies. The G–d of Israel said to His people Israel that He will reopen the gate in the end-times when His Temple will be rebuilt by Israel and He will dwell again among His people. The G–d of Israel promised His children also that He will open some of this gate, like a window from heaven, when Israel is regathered to the land, the kingdom of Israel is reborn, the children of Israel will return to Jerusalem and will have the deep desire to rebuild His Temple. On Jerusalem Day, when the Faithful entered upon the Temple Mount as one group, when we walked on the holy ground and lifted our eyes, faces and hearts to the place in heaven where the holy gate was located we could feel and see how some of this gate is opened as a window and G–d is welcoming us and pouring on us rivers of love and blessings. This godly major event will never be forgotten from our lives. It will follow us day by day encouraging and strengthening our holy work. We know that the great godly day of fulfillment is soon to come and nothing and nobody in the world can stop it or again delay it. When Mashiach ben David, the messenger of the G–d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be the King of Israel in Jerusalem to lead his people to be a light to the nations and to share the light of G–d with all the nations, knocks soon on the gates of the Temple Mount calling the people of Israel to open it for him, this time we shall answer immediately his call and welcome him with a great love. We shall no more ignore his knocks on the gate of the Temple Mount as it was in 1967.

An urgent call to everyone in Israel and all over the world

This event of Jerusalem Day was a key event in the history of the campaign of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement. It opened a new stage in the work of the Faithful Movement of G–d. We know that time is short and all of our dreams, visions and Zionist expectations are going to be fulfilled and become a living reality in the lifetime of our generation. We shall continue our holy work intensively and G–d willing we shall be ready for this great day. Everyone in Israel and all over the world is called at this great and critical time to join to the holy work of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement, to be a part of it and to help her in her holy campaign. It is not only a call of G–d to everyone to be a part of this campaign but a great life privilege for everyone that joins himself to this holy work.

I want to thank so much in the Name of the G–d and the people of Israel and the Faithful Movement all our wonderful friends in Israel and all over the world who joined themselves to the Faithful Movement to do together G–d’s end-time work and to be a part of it. G–d gave to all of us the greatest privilege of our lives. We consider it as a privilege to keep you in our prayers, hearts, thoughts and love.

Pictures of this exciting day will be on our web-site soon.