Monday, February 12, 2007

Chief of Police: Investigate Israeli-Arab Sheikh for Incitement

Chief of Police: Investigate Israeli-Arab Sheikh for Incitement
16:26 Feb 11, '07 / 23 Shevat 5767
by Hillel Fendel

Police Chief Karadi has given the order to check whether recent calls by Sheikh Raad Salah - the head of the northern branch of Israel's Islamic movement - constitute illegal incitement.

Karadi told the Police's Investigations Department head Yochanan Danino to follow up on the results of his investigation - i.e., to order the Sheikh's arrest if it appeared he was guilty.

Salah, of the Arab city of Um el-Fahm, was imprisoned for over two years, until July 2005, after being convicted of providing assistance to an Iranian terrorist organization. He was also accused at the time of incitement against Israel as a Jewish state and of transferring funds to Hamas.

Last week, the radical Sheikh, who has stirred up much of the recent trouble at the Rambam (Mughrabi) Gate near the Western Wall, arrived at the Temple Mount and told his followers:

"Our message is: The Al-Aqsa Mosque is an exclusive Palestinian-Arab-Islamic right and no Jew in the world has the right to be there. Every Jew who goes there must be thrown out of there.

"Of late, there have been increasing calls by Jewish groups to break into the Al Aqsa mosque in order to hold religious ceremonies there. This is a new/old attempt by those who are trying to attain full control of the Al Aqsa mosque and to impose the occupation.

"The Al Aqsa mosque is in a state of emergency... We are tracking the calls to break into the mosque, and are analyzing their ramifications on the mosque in order to stop them from breaking in when we are not paying attention. We are making sure that there will be a presence of [Arab] worshipers in order to prevent the break-in."

As of a few days ago, Salah is prevented by court order from coming near the Temple Mount.

The sentiments salivated by the Nazi-Muslim leader (why is such a traitor still permitted to live in Eretz Yisrael?) against Jews on or near the Temple Mount also reflect the murderous hatred the wicked Wakf exudes daily against Christians too, discriminating against both Jews and Christians on the Temple Mount by illegally refusing to permit us to pray or worship there. Let Israel remove the threat, remove the foreign objects, and construct the House of Prayer for All Peoples.

- David Ben-Ariel


Islamic Cleric Indicted for Disorderly Conduct at Temple Mount
20:07 Feb 12, '07 / 24 Shevat 5767
by Hana Levi Julian

The head of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel was indicted Monday on charges of disorderly conduct in a protest last week at the Temple Mount.