Sunday, February 04, 2007

Gershon Salomon's calling to build the Temple

Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement – Jerusalem

Excerpt from The Voice of the Temple Mount Faithful

Winter 5767/2007 Be'ezrat HaShem (With the help of G-d)

G-d Appeared to Gershon in the Field of Battle and Anointed Him to Build the Temple

Since 1948, Israel has been attacked seven times by her Arab enemies. Seven times, 300 million Arabs with the backing of a billion and a half Muslims and many nations were defeated by the small Israeli nation and her small
army. How could this happen? The answer is very clear. As in the biblical times and in the time of Gideon, the G–d of Israel became the General and the Commander of the Israeli Army and fought together with them in all the fields of battle: "Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle" (Zechariah 14: 3). There are many stories among Israeli soldiers who have felt the presence of G-d and His angels among them in battle and many enemies have seen angels fighting with the Israeli forces.

I had the privilege to experience the appearance of the G–d of Israel and His angels in one of the critical battles of Israel
when I served in the Israeli Army as a young officer and my small unit was attacked by thousands of Syrian Arab soldiers. I was wounded terribly in this battle and G-d appeared, saved my life and defeated the enemy. It was at this time that G-d called and anointed me to build His holy Temple in Jerusalem. This is the first time that I am sharing this event with you in this magazine and I am doing so because I feel that everyone should know that the G–d of Israel, the Creator of the universe, is with His people Israel, fighting and protecting them. The enemy has no chance of destroying Israel and G-d is determined to bring to pass the redemption of Israel and the world.

Since I was a small child, I heard the call again and again in my heart to rebuild the Temple of G–d on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. My heart could not rest and my desire was to renew the biblical times of my people Israel. I used to often go, especially on Tisha b’Av, to the tomb of King David on Mount Zion. My mother told me many times that our family was descended from King David. He was my favorite biblical character and I often went to his tomb to pray and hug it. From the roof of the Tomb of David, I could see the Temple Mount which in those days was under Jordanian control in the divided city of Jerusalem. I used to sit there for hours watching the holy hill of G–d and praying that G–d would send me to liberate His holy hill and to rebuild His holy Temple. I felt the presence of G–d in my heart and I knew that one day He would answer my prayers. My father once shared an exciting story with me that when he was a child he once disappeared for a few days. His parents looked for him everywhere in Jerusalem. At last, they found him in the house attic, building a beautiful model of
the Temple. This and what my mother always told me gave me a deep feeling that G–d formed me in the womb for this mission. I knew that one day G–d would create the circumstances to fulfill this mission.

As a young man, I served in the Israeli Army of G–d as an officer in a commander unit of paratroopers. One day I was sent with my unit to the northern boundaries of Israel with Syria in the Golan Heights which at that time was still controlled by the Syrians. The Golan Heights are a part of Eretz Israel that was given by G-d to the tribe of Manessah. Our mission was to protect the Israeli villages and kibbutzim there and to liberate this land which the
Syrians took from Israel in the War of 1948. We were attacked every day but G-d fought with us and protected us. Three days before I completed my mission, an event happened that changed my life. It was a rainy day and we were prevented from completing our work. I prayed all that morning to G–d to stop the rain so that we could do our work. G–d answered my prayers and the rain stopped. Suddenly when we went out, we found ourselves
surrounded and ambushed by many thousands of Syrian soldiers who were shooting at us from the mountains. It was impossible to protect ourselves from their fire as we were down in a valley and they could see our every move.We were greatly outnumbered and it took eight hours to defeat the enemy. The best soldier in the world was among us; the G-d of Hosts helped us defeat all those many enemies.

Close to the end of this long battle, I was wounded severely when a tank drove over my body. I had gone to save the life of one of my soldiers that was wounded terribly. I layed in the battlefield more dead than alive and lost consciousness. Then, G–d gave back my consciousness for only a few minutes. A group of Syrian soldiers,
seeing me lying dead (as they believed), dared to come from the mountains to shoot my “dead” body again. They surrounded me in a circle from all sides and were ready to shoot me. It was during these few moments that G–d gave me back my consciousness. I could see them directing their guns at me ready to shoot with joy on their faces. At that moment I said the "Shema Israel" as every Jew says when he is going to return his soul to G-d. G-d appeared so close to my heart and body, and and I heard Him speaking to my heart saying: "I am not finished with you." "You will build My house on my holy hill to where you used to watch when you were a kid." I was paralyzed when He told me “Let your hands be strong, you are not alone in the battlefield, I am with you.” It was night but I could see a light covering me from all sides and lighting the dark night. At the same moment, I could see the Syrian soldiers not shooting me but turning and running very fast back to the mountains. I again lost consciousness. I was told later that the Israeli soldiers looking for me in the darkness were only successful in locating me when they saw the light.

After days of coma and very complicated surgeries, I opened my eyes and regained consciousness in the hospital The doctors declared: "You are a miracle." I could only answer by moving my lips saying: "I know, G–d promised me." My battle to recover continued for one year with terrible pain. It was a great fight against the "angel of death." Together with G–d, I won the battle.

The most exciting event of that year happened when the Dutch observers of the United Nations came to visit me. They told me, "We feel the need to share with you something which will change your life and give you the strength to overcome your terrible wounds." They told me that they had made an investigation of the battle in order to report it to the United Nations. In their research, they interviewed the Syrian officers that commanded the battle against my unit. They asked the Syrians why they had not killed the young Israeli officer when they had the opportunity while he lay terribly wounded on the field of battle. They answered: "We wanted so much to do so, but when we were ready to shoot him we saw thousands of angels surrounding him from all sides and covering him. We became very scared and we knew that G–d wanted this Israeli officer to live. He would not allow us to kill him. We immediately turned back and ran as fast as we could to the mountains with His angels after us."

After one year in the hospital, I rejoined my unit, still walking with two crutches. It was during the Six Day War in 1967 when the Arab countries attacked Israel from all sides. On the third day of the war, after a heavy battle, Israeli paratroopers entered
biblical Jerusalem through the Eastern Gate and went immediately to the Temple
Mount through the Tribes Gate. It is not an accident that the Israeli forces entered the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount through the Eastern Gates because old tradition tells us that the Mashiach will come through the Eastern Gate to the Temple Mount. When we stood in front of the Holy of Holies on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem tears of joy and excitement filled our eyes and again, I heard the call of G–d: "For this moment and most holy place I saved your life.
Build My house so I will again dwell among My people Israel and among all my creation." This was the moment I had prepared myself for all of my life. We felt the presence of G-d so strongly amongst us. We felt like we were in heaven in front of the Throne of the Holy One of Israel, the King of Kings, the G–d of our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. When we heard General Mota Gur stating: "The Temple Mount is again in our hands", life stopped in the streets of Israel and in the battlefields. Israelis cried together with the soldiers because of the great joy and excitement. A hundred generations of destruction and exile were over! In six days, the General and Commander of the Israeli Army together with His soldiers had defeated all of the Arab forces.

We walked with great excitement from place to place on the Temple Mount looking at the remains of the holy Temple. Suddenly a civilian appeared and presented himself as a tour guide. He was not dressed as an Arab and did not speak Arabic, but English. He asked us to allow him to guide us on the Temple Mount. When we asked him why he wanted to do this he told us that G-d sent him to show us the location of the Jewish Temple and to tell us that the G-d of Israel had returned the Temple Mount to His children Israel. He took us to the Dome of the Rock, showed us the rock, and said that this is the location of the Holy of Holies. Then he took us to the Eastern Gate and said, the Messiah, the seed of David, will come from here. He said that even in the "Koran"
it is written that G-d will redeem His chosen people Israel and will return them to their place on the Temple Mount. He said: "You can see with your own eyes that the time has come and
I am sure that Israel will soon rebuild the Temple." While we walked from place to place, he suddenly disappeared and we did not see him any
more. He was no longer on the Temple Mount. Each of us was sure that he was an angel sent by the G–d of Israel to share with us and all the people of Israel the godly significance of this godly moment. He appeared as a human being as in the biblical times but we were so sure that he was an angel of G-d. It seemed like a dream but we were awake and we knew it was
reality. The holy Tanach was opened at this exciting moment and the Word of G-d was prayed and heard all over the Temple Mount: "A Song of Maalot. When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like men who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing; then they said among the nations, The Lord has done great things for us and we are glad"(Psalm 126).

As a child I was told that in the heavens, above the Temple Mount, there is a gate from where in the biblical times G-d reflected His glory and spoke His Word to His children Israel. After the destruction of the Second Temple this gate was closed and will be reopened when the end-time Temple is built. I lifted my eyes to heaven and could see that the sky was glorified by the Spirit of G-d. I was sure that He was crying like us with joy. Then I could see written like with letters of fire, the Word of G-d to His prophets Isaiah and Micah to our generation: "But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow to it. And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths; for Torah shall go from Jerusalem. And he shall judge between many peoples, and shall decide concerning far away strong nations; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up, nor shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid; for the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken it"(Micah 4: 1-4 and Isaiah 2: 1-4).

These godly moments are the highlights of my life. When I stood in front of the Holy of Holies, I swore before the G–d of Israel that I would not be silent or rest until the Temple of G–d is rebuilt. I dedicated my entire life to G-d and for this most holy cause. At this exciting moment, we could hear Mashiach ben David, the Messenger of the G–d of Israel, knocking on the Eastern Gate of the Temple Mount calling to Israel: "Open the gate. I am here." However, the Israeli leadership did not listen to this call. Twelve hours later in a moment of terrible weakness the Defense Minister of Israel, General Moshe Dyan, took down the Israeli flag from the top of the Dome of the Rock and gave the Arabs back the keys to the Temple Mount. It was a terrible sinful act resulting from spiritual weakness. He was afraid that if he removed the mosques and rebuilt the Temple, as G-d expected Israel to do when He returned His holy Temple Mount to them one and a half billion Muslims would come against Israel to destroy her. He did not listen to the call or trust the promises of the G–d to Israel.

When this happened, I knew what my task was and immediately called Israelis who were faithful to the G–d of Israel and formed the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement. For 39 years, we have been carrying the following call of G–d to His people Israel and to all the world: "Thus speaks the Lord of hosts, saying, This people say that the time has not yet come, the time that the Lord’s house should be built. Is it time for you, yourselves, to dwell in your well-timbered houses, while this house lies in ruins? Thus says the Lord of hosts; "Consider your ways. Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, says the Lord" (Haggai 1: 2, 4, 7-8).

Day and night, we carry this message to Israel and to the world. We feel His blessings, encouragement and presence in our holy work. There is a great awakening in Israel and many wonderful people from all over the world have joined us in this work.We know that we soon shall stand together with all our Faithful friends from Israel and all over the world in His rebuilt house and we shall give Him thanks for the great privilege that He has given us to be builders of the house of G–d and to open the Eastern Gate of the Temple Mount for Mashiach ben David sent by the G-d of Israel to lead His chosen people Israel and all the world in righteousness.

Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement
P.O. Box 18325, Yohanan Harkanos #4, Jerusalem, Israel