Thursday, February 15, 2007

"Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin" - Chapter Ten/Part Two

"Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin" - Chapter Ten/Part Two
The Kempler Video ^ | 02-14-07 | Barry Chamish

The inability of security and police personnel trained to testify in court to agree on the number of shots is puzzling but on one issue all agree; none thought Rabin was hurt.

From Ma'ariv:

Y.S. (Shabak Head of Security for the Tel Aviv rally): "I heard Rabin was wounded only when I arrived at Ichilov Hospital some minutes later".

S.G.: "I did not hear any cry of pain from the Prime Minister and did not see any signs of blood whatsoever...It was not until some time after that I was told that Yoram Rubin was hurt".