Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Every Jewish leader should call for the Temple's construction

Feiglin:"Throwing Out Candidates You Don´t Like is Democratic?"
19:04 Dec 14, '05 / 13 Kislev 5766
By Hillel Fendel

Two Likudniks have submitted a party court petition, demanding that Moshe Feiglin be barred from running for leader. Currently running third in the 4-man race, Feiglin says the move is undemocratic.

The two Likud members, Moshe Ifregan and Eli Hazan, say that Feiglin represents an undemocratic outlook and vision that does not correspond to the Likud Party platform.

Their petition states that Feiglin encouraged refusal of army orders during the Disengagement - an alleged negation of the Likud platform's mention of the supremacy of the rule of law. They also quote Feiglin's recent interview with the Yediot Acharonot weekly supplement "Seven Days." Feiglin reportedly said there that his vision is one of a State that encourages the emigration of Arabs from the country, and the construction of the Beit HaMikdash (Holy Temple)..../

The vision of every Jewish leader ought to be one of a State that encourages the emigration of Arabs from the country, and the construction of the Holy Temple. Every Jewish leader should call for the Temple's construction and mean it - not just to get votes, but to bless the Jewish homeland and all nations. Kol hakavod to Moshe Feiglin for raising the holy issue that it may soon become a reality. Bibi used to talk tough about restoring Jewish worship upon the Temple Mount but once elected he forgot about the Temple Mount and continued the Oslo treason.