Saturday, December 24, 2005

When will Jews learn the lessons of Hanukkah?

A few excerpts from:

Another tack: North to Alaska
Dec. 23, 2005

"In those days before the war," Chaim Weizmann recalled international vexation with the Jews, "our protests were regarded as provocations. Our very refusal to subscribe to our own death sentence became a public nuisance."

Words that could have been spoken today.

This also goes for Weizmann's warning to Anthony Eden: "The fire from the synagogues may easily spread to Westminster Abbey… If a government is allowed to destroy a whole community which has committed no crime… it means the beginning of anarchy and the destruction of the basis of civilization. The powers which stand looking on, without taking measures to prevent the crime, will one day be themselves visited by severe punishment."/

Now if you apply those words to the wanton destruction of the Jewish communities of Gush Katif and Shomron, whole communities who committed no crime, we can see that Israel is on the edge of the abyss and the fascist EU will push it over and occupy Jerusalem and let their Roman wolves in sheep's clothing ("peacekeepers") pollute the Holy Land.

When will Jews learn the lessons of the Holocaust? When will Jews learn the lessons of Hanukkah?

David Ben-Ariel