Friday, December 23, 2005

There are PERMITTED PLACES on the Temple Mount for bar/bat mitzvahs!

On A FORUM ON THE MIDDLE EAST it was reported:
"50,000 bar and bat mitzvahs this year at Kotel Ham'aravi" - to which I responded and said they should have all been performed upon the Temple Mount at the permitted places.

One gentleman inquired about this at AskMoses:


I realise it's not practical at the moment, but could you please let me know whether from a halachic point of view it would be permissible for a bar/batmitzvah on the Har haBayit(Temple Mount).



and received the following response:

No, it wouldn't be possible.

Below is an article about this from our searchable knowledgebase. It can be
found at:

Is it permitted to visit the inside of the Temple Mount?
Since the Divine Presence is still present on the Temple Mount and the Temple area, all the laws prohibiting the ritually impure from accessing the Temple remain in effect. We all are presumed to be impure due to contact with corpses (either direct contact, being under the same roof, or the possibility of having trodden on an unknown grave), and therefore are barred from entering the Temple area. Although the actual Temple area doesn't encompass the entire area of the Temple Mount, still, since we are uncertain of the exact location of the Temple area, most Rabbinic experts agree that it is forbidden to enter the entire walled area of the Temple Mount.

If you have further questions, please click reply or logon to AskMoses and ask a live scholar. Thank you for coming to AskMoses!

Simcha Bart

Shame on him for offering such unclean information! For expressing such a ghetto-mentality that would keep Jews at their Gentile/Turkish-designated Wall of Tears rather than upon Judaism's holiest site - the Temple Mount - at the permitted places! Everybody needs to read and understand this holy

"Issue of the Temple Mount"

And what appropriate reading for Hanukkah!