"It is due time to stop this dictator [Sharon] who defies democracy"
copyright (c) 2005 by Mr. Samson Krupnick []
LIBERATED YERUSHALIYIM, D.C. (David's Capital), Liberated Israelite Tribal Territories of Yehudah and Binyamin, Kingdom of David and Shlomo, United Israelite Kingdom of Yehudah and Yosef, Yom Sheini, 11 Kislev, 5766, Root & Branch Information Services [] []:
Chanukah this year is more than the traditional Festival of Lights. It is a festival of hope and prayer for guidance in dealing with critical issues that can effect our future as an independent nation. There are many pressures from other sources as well as from local internal groups all placing Israel in a desperate situation both physically and
We had fist begun to recover from that tragic Gush Katif forced withdrawal and deportation by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, presumably as "a painful concession", when Sharon was all ready to start further withdrawals and deportations as more "painful concessions". For whom was it a "painful concession"? For most of the nation except for the Prime Minister who ignored his commitment and who insisted on an August 15th forced withdrawal and deportation to receive many praises from abroad.
Fortunately, the boomerang came with the surprising victory of Amir Peretz as Labor Chairman. The quick resignation of Labor from the Government and the March 28, 2006 election date provided a breather against withdrawals and deportations. It is due time to stop this dictator [Sharon] who defies democracy and to prevent further, if any, "concessions" to the Philistine Chaos (Palestine Authority). The Philistine suicide murder of five and wounding of 60 in Netanya forced a sharp response including a targeted killing as we advised three years ago.
This attack from "Saudi" Arabian petro-dollar profit financed Wahhabi Islamic Jihad and others to follow indicate clearly that the Philistine Chaos cannot and will not disarm mass murderers ("terrorists"). The vast majority of Philistines, over 80%, want the destruction of Israel. That is their democratic choice. Apparently, democracy need not be constructive. Hence, what is the point of further "concessions"? The Philistine attitude is simply a "return of what was ours". Clearly, there is no Road Map leading anywhere except to more Philistine mass murder ("terror") against Israel.
A greater danger exists and grows stronger. The leader is Iran. Iran's President stated clearly: "We are in the process of a historical war between the World of Arrogance (the West) and the Islamic World. A world without America and Zionism is attainable".
Iran is now furnishing huge quantities of arms in our area. The greater danger is Iran's nuclear program. To date the United States and allies are involved in the Iraq war and will not take sufficient precautions against the Iran danger. Israel is now watching carefully the Iran progress. We must be prepared and ready for further developments.
Unity is of great necessity, but quite frankly the prospects for a real unity Government look slim if Sharon is to head it.
Interesting is a similar situation when the Maccabbees took the initiative to battle the conquering Greek army. With the passing of Alexander the great, his Greek generals were on their own. The Ptolmey in Egypt were much interested in the Jewish Torah and invited 30 Jewish scholars, working in separate rooms, to translate the Torah into Greek. All translated exactly alike including 16 variations so as not to imply the existence of more than one "god". G-d is One.
Syrian General Antiochus Epiphanes in contrast decided that if he directed idol worship he could control the Jews. Hence, he had a new altar erected in the Temple of Jerusalem and made sacrifices to Greek idols. Greek philosophy puts emphasis on the enjoyment of physical pleasure for a small class of wealthy freemen served by masses of slaves.
Greek idols were plentiful. Many wealthy Jews admired this approach. They were called Hellenists. The Kohanim (priests) tried to stop this development without success. Once a Hellenist appeared before Mattityahu the High Priest to make a sacrifice to an idol. Mattityahu struck him down and the war against the Greeks began.
Led by Judah Maccabee and his brothers the Jews raised an army of fighters and finally won back Jerusalem. The Temple was restored and a new altar built. They restored the Menorah but lacked special oil. They found one small oil container with a priestly seal, just enough for one day. Miraculously, it lasted eight full days during which proper oil was prepared.
In observance of this miracle, it was declared a Festival of Lights observed annually thereafter. The war was won after much fighting and many losses. The Kohanim Maccabees became kings, in violation of Jewish tradition that kings were to be from the descendants of King David and not Kohanim. Hence, both Mishna and Gemorrah mention the miracle of the oil but there is not a word about the battles of the Maccabees. The full story is found in the Book of Maccabees.
The Festival of Chanukah is observed worldwide with great enthusiasm. Hallel (Psalms of Praise) are recited. In Israel lights are kindled from the roofs of all hotels. Dignitaries light candles at the Kotel (Western Wall of the Temple) each night with national T.V. coverage. At the White House President George W. Bush lit a candle on a Menorah last year.
In Talmudic days there was a difference of opinion between Bet Hillel (School of Hillel) and Bet Shammai (School of Shammai) as to the order of lighting. Bet Shammai insisted that the order be by lighting eight candles the first night and one less each following night. Bet Hillel ruled the opposite as is declared: "You raise upward with holy ceremonies".
Worldwide there are connected local customs. In Western countries and Israel most people eat sufganiyot (doughnuts). Several million sufganiot are baked, some with variations of chocolate and fruit. Women are invited to light candles as well. Menorahs should be placed by windows and/or porches weather permitting. An old custom is giving "Chanukah gelt" in cash or gifts.
By now it is an established tradition in Israel that we observe holidays and festivals to the fullest and put worries on a far back bench. Holidays and festivals give us additional spiritual strength to face problems. Our enemies are numerous and growing from "Saudi" Arabian petro-dollar profit financed Wahhabi and Iranian petro-dollar profit financed Pseudo-Shi'ite Mullah-ocracy sources.
Heaven-sent plagues and disasters have already begun to take their toll on the Quartet Road Map nations marching against us, beginning with the December 25, 2004 earthquake and tsunami which struck the province of Aceh -- a Wahhabi stronghold -- in the largest Muslim nation, Indonesia, and spread to several continents; the Katrina hurricane disaster in New Orleans following on the heels of the Gush Katif expulsion; the recent earthquake in Kashmir, and the avian bird flu pandemic about to engulf the world.
With the help of the Almighty we shall overcome.
Shavua Tov and Chanukah Sameach from Liberated Yerushaliyim,
Mr. Samson Krupnick
Street Address:
Rehov Pinsker 22
92228 Jerusalem
Board Member and Treasurer, Root & Branch Association, Ltd.;
Israel Chairman, Jerusalem Embassy Initiative, Root & Branch Association, Ltd.;
Yakir Yerushaliyim (Jerusalem Prize) Award Winner, 2001;
Board Chairman, Encyclopedia Talmudica;
Former Board Chairman, Shaare Zedek Hospital;
Columnist, National Jewish Post and Opinion []
Monday, December 12, 2005
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